ECMO | Extracorporeal Life Support

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for ELSO Registry Data Entry

Here’s a comprehensive list of ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These codes come in handy when entering data into the ELSO Registry. If you are looking for specific cardiac or respiratory codes, then view lists of Common Cardiac ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes and Common Respiratory ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes .

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(Any valid ICD-10 code can be used)
ICD-10 Code   Description  
97001. Y92.8 Oth places as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97002. Y92.81 Transport vehicle as place
97003. Y92.810 Car as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97004. Y92.811 Bus as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97005. Y92.812 Truck as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97006. Y92.813 Airplane as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97007. Y92.814 Boat as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97008. Y92.815 Train as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97009. Y92.816 Subway car as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97010. Y92.818 Oth transport vehicle as place
97011. Y92.82 Wilderness area
97012. Y92.820 Desert as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97013. Y92.821 Forest as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97014. Y92.828 Oth wilderness area as place
97015. Y92.83 Recreation area as place
97016. Y92.830 Public park as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97017. Y92.831 Amusement park as place
97018. Y92.832 Beach as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97019. Y92.833 Campsite as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97020. Y92.834 Zoological garden (Zoo) as place
97021. Y92.838 Oth recreation area as place
97022. Y92.84 Military training ground as place
97023. Y92.85 Railroad track as place
97024. Y92.86 Slaughter house as place
97025. Y92.89 Oth places as the place of occurrence of the external cause
97026. Y92.9 Unspecified place or not applicable
97027. Y93 Activity codes
97028. Y93.0 Activities involving walking and running
97029. Y93.01 Activity, walking, marching and hiking
97030. Y93.02 Activity, running
97031. Y93.1 Activities involving water and water craft
97032. Y93.11 Activity, swimming
97033. Y93.12 Activity, springboard and platform diving
97034. Y93.13 Activity, water polo
97035. Y93.14 Activity, water aerobics and water exercise
97036. Y93.15 Activity, underwater diving and snorkeling
97037. Y93.16 Activity, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, rafting and tubing
97038. Y93.17 Activity, water skiing and wake boarding
97039. Y93.18 Activity, surfing, windsurfing and boogie boarding
97040. Y93.19 Activity, other involving water and watercraft
97041. Y93.2 Activities involving ice and snow
97042. Y93.21 Activity, ice skating
97043. Y93.22 Activity, ice hockey
97044. Y93.23 Actvty,snow (alp/dwnhl) ski, snow brd, sled, tobogn & tubing
97045. Y93.24 Activity, cross country skiing
97046. Y93.29 Activity, other involving ice and snow
97047. Y93.3 Activities involving climbing, rappelling and jumping off
97048. Y93.31 Activity, mountain climbing, rock climbing and wall climbing
97049. Y93.32 Activity, rappelling
97050. Y93.33 Activity, BASE jumping
97051. Y93.34 Activity, bungee jumping
97052. Y93.35 Activity, hang gliding
97053. Y93.39 Activity, oth involving climbing, rappelling and jumping off
97054. Y93.4 Activities involving dancing and other rhythmic movement
97055. Y93.41 Activity, dancing
97056. Y93.42 Activity, yoga
97057. Y93.43 Activity, gymnastics
97058. Y93.44 Activity, trampolining
97059. Y93.45 Activity, cheerleading
97060. Y93.49 Activity, oth involving dancing and other rhythmic movements
97061. Y93.5 Activities involving oth sports and athletics played individ
97062. Y93.51 Activity, roller skating (inline) and skateboarding
97063. Y93.52 Activity, horseback riding
97064. Y93.53 Activity, golf
97065. Y93.54 Activity, bowling
97066. Y93.55 Activity, bike riding
97067. Y93.56 Activity, jumping rope
97068. Y93.57 Activity, non-running track and field events
97069. Y93.59 Activity, oth w oth sports and athletics played individ
97070. Y93.6 Activities w oth sports & athletics played as a team or grp
97071. Y93.61 Activity, american tackle football
97072. Y93.62 Activity, american flag or touch football
97073. Y93.63 Activity, rugby
97074. Y93.64 Activity, baseball
97075. Y93.65 Activity, lacrosse and field hockey
97076. Y93.66 Activity, soccer
97077. Y93.67 Activity, basketball
97078. Y93.68 Activity, volleyball (beach) (court)
97079. Y93.69 Actvty, oth w oth sports & athletics played as a team or grp
97080. Y93.6A Actvty,physcl games assoc w school recess, sumr camp & child
97081. Y93.7 Activities involving other specified sports and athletics
97082. Y93.71 Activity, boxing
97083. Y93.72 Activity, wrestling
97084. Y93.73 Activity, racquet and hand sports
97085. Y93.74 Activity, frisbee
97086. Y93.75 Activity, martial arts
97087. Y93.79 Activity, other specified sports and athletics
97088. Y93.8 Activities, other specified
97089. Y93.81 Activity, refereeing a sports activity
97090. Y93.82 Activity, spectator at an event
97091. Y93.83 Activity, rough housing and horseplay
97092. Y93.84 Activity, sleeping
97093. Y93.85 Activity, choking game
97094. Y93.89 Activity, other specified
97095. Y93.9 Activity, unspecified
97096. Y93.A Activities involving other cardiorespiratory exercise
97097. Y93.A1 Activity, exercise machines prim for cardioresp conditioning
97098. Y93.A2 Activity, calisthenics
97099. Y93.A3 Activity, aerobic and step exercise
97100. Y93.A4 Activity, circuit training
97101. Y93.A5 Activity, obstacle course
97102. Y93.A6 Activity, grass drills
97103. Y93.A9 Activity, other involving cardiorespiratory exercise
97104. Y93.B Activities involving other muscle strengthening exercises
97105. Y93.B1 Activity, exercise machines prim for muscle strengthening
97106. Y93.B2 Activity, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups
97107. Y93.B3 Activity, free weights
97108. Y93.B4 Activity, pilates
97109. Y93.B9 Activity, other involving muscle strengthening exercises
97110. Y93.C Activities involving computer tech and electrnc devices
97111. Y93.C1 Activity, computer keyboarding
97112. Y93.C2 Activity, hand held interactive electronic device
97113. Y93.C9 Activity, oth involving computer tech and electrnc devices
97114. Y93.D Activities involving arts and handcrafts
97115. Y93.D1 Activity, knitting and crocheting
97116. Y93.D2 Activity, sewing
97117. Y93.D3 Activity, furniture building and finishing
97118. Y93.D9 Activity, other involving arts and handcrafts
97119. Y93.E Activities involving personal hygiene and prop & clothng
97120. Y93.E1 Activity, personal bathing and showering
97121. Y93.E2 Activity, laundry
97122. Y93.E3 Activity, vacuuming
97123. Y93.E4 Activity, ironing
97124. Y93.E5 Activity, floor mopping and cleaning
97125. Y93.E6 Activity, residential relocation
97126. Y93.E8 Activity, other personal hygiene
97127. Y93.E9 Activity, other interior property and clothing maintenance
97128. Y93.F Activities involving caregiving
97129. Y93.F1 Activity, caregiving, bathing
97130. Y93.F2 Activity, caregiving, lifting
97131. Y93.F9 Activity, other caregiving
97132. Y93.G Activities involving food preparation, cooking and grilling
97133. Y93.G1 Activity, food preparation and clean up
97134. Y93.G2 Activity, grilling and smoking food
97135. Y93.G3 Activity, cooking and baking
97136. Y93.G9 Activity, other involving cooking and grilling
97137. Y93.H Activities w exter property & land maint, bldg and construct
97138. Y93.H1 Activity, digging, shoveling and raking
97139. Y93.H2 Activity, gardening and landscaping
97140. Y93.H3 Activity, building and construction
97141. Y93.H9 Actvty,oth w exter property & land maint, bldg and construct
97142. Y93.I Activities w roller coasters and oth types of extrn motion
97143. Y93.I1 Activity, roller coaster riding
97144. Y93.I9 Activity, other involving external motion
97145. Y93.J Activities involving playing musical instrument
97146. Y93.J1 Activity, piano playing
97147. Y93.J2 Activity, drum and other percussion instrument playing
97148. Y93.J3 Activity, string instrument playing
97149. Y93.J4 Activity, winds and brass instrument playing
97150. Y93.K Activities involving animal care
97151. Y93.K1 Activity, walking an animal
97152. Y93.K2 Activity, milking an animal
97153. Y93.K3 Activity, grooming and shearing an animal
97154. Y93.K9 Activity, other involving animal care
97155. Y95 Nosocomial condition
97156. Y99 External cause status
97157. Y99.0 Civilian activity done for income or pay
97158. Y99.1 Military activity
97159. Y99.2 Volunteer activity
97160. Y99.8 Other external cause status
97161. Y99.9 Unspecified external cause status
97162. Z00 Encntr for general exam w/o complaint, susp or reprtd dx
97163. Z00.0 Encounter for general adult medical examination
97164. Z00.00 Encntr for general adult medical exam w/o abnormal findings
97165. Z00.01 Encounter for general adult medical exam w abnormal findings
97166. Z00.1 Encounter for newborn, infant and child health examinations
97167. Z00.11 Newborn health examination
97168. Z00.110 Health examination for newborn under 8 days old
97169. Z00.111 Health examination for newborn 8 to 28 days old
97170. Z00.12 Encounter for routine child health examination
97171. Z00.121 Encounter for routine child health exam w abnormal findings
97172. Z00.129 Encntr for routine child health exam w/o abnormal findings
97173. Z00.2 Encounter for exam for period of rapid growth in childhood
97174. Z00.3 Encounter for examination for adolescent development state
97175. Z00.5 Encounter for exam of potential donor of organ and tissue
97176. Z00.6 Encntr for exam for nrml cmprsn and ctrl in clncl rsrch prog
97177. Z00.7 Encntr for exam for delay growth in childhood
97178. Z00.70 Encntr for exam for delay growth in chldhd w/o abn findings
97179. Z00.71 Encntr for exam for delay growth in chldhd w abn findings
97180. Z00.8 Encounter for other general examination
97181. Z01 Encntr for oth sp exam w/o complaint, suspected or reprtd dx
97182. Z01.0 Encounter for examination of eyes and vision
97183. Z01.00 Encounter for exam of eyes and vision w/o abnormal findings
97184. Z01.01 Encounter for exam of eyes and vision w abnormal findings
97185. Z01.020 Encounter for examination of eyes and vision following failed vision screening without abnormal findings
97186. Z01.021 Encounter for examination of eyes and vision following failed vision screening with abnormal findings
97187. Z01.1 Encounter for examination of ears and hearing
97188. Z01.10 Encounter for exam of ears and hearing w/o abnormal findings
97189. Z01.11 Encounter for exam of ears and hearing w abnormal findings
97190. Z01.110 Encounter for hearing exam following failed hear screening
97191. Z01.118 Encntr for exam of ears and hearing w oth abnormal findings
97192. Z01.12 Encounter for hearing conservation and treatment
97193. Z01.2 Encounter for dental examination and cleaning
97194. Z01.20 Encounter for dental exam and cleaning w/o abnormal findings
97195. Z01.21 Encounter for dental exam and cleaning w abnormal findings
97196. Z01.3 Encounter for examination of blood pressure
97197. Z01.30 Encounter for exam of blood pressure w/o abnormal findings
97198. Z01.31 Encounter for exam of blood pressure w abnormal findings
97199. Z01.4 Encounter for gynecological examination
97200. Z01.41 Encounter for routine gynecological examination
97201. Z01.411 Encntr for gyn exam (general) (routine) w abnormal findings
97202. Z01.419 Encntr for gyn exam (general) (routine) w/o abn findings
97203. Z01.42 Encntr for cerv smear to cnfrm norm smr fol init abn smear
97204. Z01.8 Encounter for other specified special examinations
97205. Z01.81 Encounter for preprocedural examinations
97206. Z01.810 Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination
97207. Z01.811 Encounter for preprocedural respiratory examination
97208. Z01.812 Encounter for preprocedural laboratory examination
97209. Z01.818 Encounter for other preprocedural examination
97210. Z01.82 Encounter for allergy testing
97211. Z01.83 Encounter for blood typing
97212. Z01.84 Encounter for antibody response examination
97213. Z01.89 Encounter for other specified special examinations
97214. Z02 Encounter for administrative examination
97215. Z02.0 Encounter for exam for admission to educational institution
97216. Z02.1 Encounter for pre-employment examination
97217. Z02.2 Encounter for exam for admission to residential institution
97218. Z02.3 Encounter for examination for recruitment to armed forces
97219. Z02.4 Encounter for examination for driving license
97220. Z02.5 Encounter for examination for participation in sport
97221. Z02.6 Encounter for examination for insurance purposes
97222. Z02.7 Encounter for issue of medical certificate
97223. Z02.71 Encounter for disability determination
97224. Z02.79 Encounter for issue of other medical certificate
97225. Z02.8 Encounter for other administrative examinations
97226. Z02.81 Encounter for paternity testing
97227. Z02.82 Encounter for adoption services
97228. Z02.83 Encounter for blood-alcohol and blood-drug test
97229. Z02.89 Encounter for other administrative examinations
97230. Z02.9 Encounter for administrative examinations, unspecified
97231. Z03 Encntr for medical obs for susp diseases and cond ruled out
97232. Z03.6 Encntr for obs for susp toxic eff from ingest sub ruled out
97233. Z03.7 Encounter for suspected maternal and fetal cond ruled out
97234. Z03.71 Encntr for susp prob w amnio cavity and membrane ruled out
97235. Z03.72 Encounter for suspected placental problem ruled out
97236. Z03.73 Encounter for suspected fetal anomaly ruled out
97237. Z03.74 Encounter for suspected problem with fetal growth ruled out
97238. Z03.75 Encounter for suspected cervical shortening ruled out
97239. Z03.79 Encntr for oth suspected maternal and fetal cond ruled out
97240. Z03.8 Encntr for obs for oth suspected diseases and cond ruled out
97241. Z03.81 Encntr for obs for susp exposure to biolg agents ruled out
97242. Z03.810 Encntr for obs for suspected exposure to anthrax ruled out
97243. Z03.818 Encntr for obs for susp expsr to oth biolg agents ruled out
97244. Z03.821 Encounter for observation for suspected ingested foreign body ruled out
97245. Z03.822 Encounter for observation for suspected aspirated (inhaled) foreign body ruled out
97246. Z03.823 Encounter for observation for suspected inserted (injected) foreign body ruled out
97247. Z03.89 Encntr for obs for oth suspected diseases and cond ruled out
97248. Z04 Encounter for examination and observation for other reasons
97249. Z04.1 Encounter for exam and obs following transport accident
97250. Z04.2 Encounter for exam and observation following work accident
97251. Z04.3 Encounter for exam and observation following oth accident
97252. Z04.4 Encounter for exam and observation following alleged rape
97253. Z04.41 Encounter for exam and obs following alleged adult rape
97254. Z04.42 Encounter for exam and obs following alleged child rape
97255. Z04.6 Encntr for general psychiatric exam, requested by authority
97256. Z04.7 Encounter for exam and obs following alleged physical abuse
97257. Z04.71 Encntr for exam and obs fol alleged adult physical abuse
97258. Z04.72 Encntr for exam and obs fol alleged child physical abuse
97259. Z04.8 Encounter for examination and observation for oth reasons
97260. Z04.81 Encounter for examination and observation of victim following forced sexual exploitation
97261. Z04.82 Encounter for examination and observation of victim following forced labor exploitation
97262. Z04.89 Encounter for examination and observation for other specified reasons
97263. Z04.9 Encounter for examination and observation for unsp reason
97264. Z05 Enctr for Obs & eval of NB for susp diseases and cond R/O
97265. Z05.0 Obs & eval of NB for suspected cardiac condition ruled out
97266. Z05.1 Obs & eval of NB for suspected infect condition ruled out
97267. Z05.2 Obs & eval of NB for suspected neuro condition ruled out
97268. Z05.3 Obs & eval of NB for suspected resp condition ruled out
97269. Z05.4 Obs & eval of NB for suspected genetic, metab,immun cond R/O
97270. Z05.41 Obs & eval of NB for suspected genetic condition ruled out
97271. Z05.42 Obs & eval of NB for suspected metabolic condition ruled out
97272. Z05.43 Obs & eval of NB for suspected immunologic cond ruled out
97273. Z05.5 Obs & eval of NB for suspected GI condition ruled out
97274. Z05.6 Obs & eval of NB for suspected GU condition ruled out
97275. Z05.7 Obs & eval of NB for susp skin,subcu,ms & conn tiss cond R/O
97276. Z05.71 Obs & eval of NB for suspected skin, subcu cond ruled out
97277. Z05.72 Obs & eval of NB for suspected ms condition ruled out
97278. Z05.73 Obs & eval of NB for suspected conn tiss condition ruled out
97279. Z05.8 Obs & eval of NB for oth suspected condition ruled out
97280. Z05.9 Obs & eval of NB for unsp suspected condition ruled out
97281. Z08 Encntr for follow-up exam after trtmt for malignant neoplasm
97282. Z09 Encntr for f/u exam aft trtmt for cond oth than malig neoplm
97283. Z11 Encounter for screening for infec/parastc diseases
97284. Z11.0 Encounter for screening for intestinal infectious diseases
97285. Z11.1 Encounter for screening for respiratory tuberculosis
97286. Z11.2 Encounter for screening for other bacterial diseases
97287. Z11.3 Encntr screen for infections w sexl mode of transmiss
97288. Z11.4 Encounter for screening for human immunodeficiency virus
97289. Z11.5 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases
97290. Z11.51 Encounter for screening for human papillomavirus (HPV)
97291. Z11.52 Encounter for screening for COVID-19
97292. Z11.59 Encounter for screening for other viral diseases
97293. Z11.6 Encntr screen for oth protozoal diseases and helminthiases
97294. Z11.7 Encounter for testing for latent tuberculosis infection
97295. Z11.8 Encounter for screening for oth infec/parastc diseases
97296. Z11.9 Encounter for screening for infec/parastc diseases, unsp
97297. Z12 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasms
97298. Z12.0 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of stomach
97299. Z12.1 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract
97300. Z12.10 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of intest tract, unsp
97301. Z12.11 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon
97302. Z12.12 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of rectum
97303. Z12.13 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of small intestine
97304. Z12.2 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of respiratory organs
97305. Z12.3 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of breast
97306. Z12.31 Encntr screen mammogram for malignant neoplasm of breast
97307. Z12.39 Encounter for oth screening for malignant neoplasm of breast
97308. Z12.4 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of cervix
97309. Z12.5 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of prostate
97310. Z12.6 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of bladder
97311. Z12.7 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organs
97312. Z12.71 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of testis
97313. Z12.72 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of vagina
97314. Z12.73 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of ovary
97315. Z12.79 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of genitourinary organs
97316. Z12.8 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of oth sites
97317. Z12.81 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of oral cavity
97318. Z12.82 Encntr screen for malignant neoplasm of nervous system
97319. Z12.83 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of skin
97320. Z12.89 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of oth sites
97321. Z12.9 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm, site unsp
97322. Z13 Encounter for screening for other diseases and disorders
97323. Z13.0 Encntr screen for dis of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm
97324. Z13.1 Encounter for screening for diabetes mellitus
97325. Z13.2 Encntr screen for nutritional, metabolic and oth endo disord
97326. Z13.21 Encounter for screening for nutritional disorder
97327. Z13.22 Encounter for screening for metabolic disorder
97328. Z13.220 Encounter for screening for lipoid disorders
97329. Z13.228 Encounter for screening for other metabolic disorders
97330. Z13.29 Encounter for screening for oth suspected endocrine disorder
97331. Z13.30 Encounter for screening examination for mental health and behavioral disorders, unspecified
97332. Z13.31 Encounter for screening for depression
97333. Z13.32 Encounter for screening for maternal depression
97334. Z13.39 Encounter for screening examination for other mental health and behavioral disorders
97335. Z13.4 Encntr screen for certain developmental disorders in chldhd
97336. Z13.40 Encounter for screening for unspecified developmental delays
97337. Z13.41 Encounter for autism screening
97338. Z13.42 Encounter for screening for global developmental delays (milestones)
97339. Z13.49 Encounter for screening for other developmental delays
97340. Z13.5 Encounter for screening for eye and ear disorders
97341. Z13.6 Encounter for screening for cardiovascular disorders
97342. Z13.7 Encntr screen for genetic and chromosomal anomalies
97343. Z13.71 Encntr for nonprocreat screen for genetic dis carrier status
97344. Z13.79 Encntr for oth screening for genetic and chromsoml anomalies
97345. Z13.8 Encounter for screening for oth diseases and disorders
97346. Z13.81 Encounter for screening for digestive system disorders
97347. Z13.810 Encounter for screening for upper gastrointestinal disorder
97348. Z13.811 Encounter for screening for lower gastrointestinal disorder
97349. Z13.818 Encounter for screening for other digestive system disorders
97350. Z13.82 Encounter for screening for musculoskeletal disorder
97351. Z13.820 Encounter for screening for osteoporosis
97352. Z13.828 Encounter for screening for other musculoskeletal disorder
97353. Z13.83 Encounter for screening for respiratory disorder NEC
97354. Z13.84 Encounter for screening for dental disorders
97355. Z13.85 Encounter for screening for nervous system disorders
97356. Z13.850 Encounter for screening for traumatic brain injury
97357. Z13.858 Encounter for screening for other nervous system disorders
97358. Z13.88 Encntr screen for disorder due to exposure to contaminants
97359. Z13.89 Encounter for screening for other disorder
97360. Z13.9 Encounter for screening, unspecified
97361. Z14 Genetic carrier
97362. Z14.0 Hemophilia A carrier
97363. Z14.01 Asymptomatic hemophilia A carrier
97364. Z14.02 Symptomatic hemophilia A carrier
97365. Z14.1 Cystic fibrosis carrier
97366. Z14.8 Genetic carrier of other disease
97367. Z15 Genetic susceptibility to disease
97368. Z15.0 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm
97369. Z15.01 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm of breast
97370. Z15.02 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm of ovary
97371. Z15.03 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm of prostate
97372. Z15.04 Genetic susceptibility to malignant neoplasm of endometrium
97373. Z15.09 Genetic susceptibility to other malignant neoplasm
97374. Z15.8 Genetic susceptibility to other disease
97375. Z15.81 Genetic susceptibility to multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN]
97376. Z15.89 Genetic susceptibility to other disease
97377. Z16 Resistance to antimicrobial drugs
97378. Z16.1 Resistance to beta lactam antibiotics
97379. Z16.10 Resistance to unspecified beta lactam antibiotics
97380. Z16.11 Resistance to penicillins
97381. Z16.12 Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) resistance
97382. Z16.19 Resistance to other specified beta lactam antibiotics
97383. Z16.2 Resistance to other antibiotics
97384. Z16.20 Resistance to unspecified antibiotic
97385. Z16.21 Resistance to vancomycin
97386. Z16.22 Resistance to vancomycin related antibiotics
97387. Z16.23 Resistance to quinolones and fluoroquinolones
97388. Z16.24 Resistance to multiple antibiotics
97389. Z16.29 Resistance to other single specified antibiotic
97390. Z16.3 Resistance to other antimicrobial drugs
97391. Z16.30 Resistance to unspecified antimicrobial drugs
97392. Z16.31 Resistance to antiparasitic drug(s)
97393. Z16.32 Resistance to antifungal drug(s)
97394. Z16.33 Resistance to antiviral drug(s)
97395. Z16.34 Resistance to antimycobacterial drug(s)
97396. Z16.341 Resistance to single antimycobacterial drug
97397. Z16.342 Resistance to multiple antimycobacterial drugs
97398. Z16.35 Resistance to multiple antimicrobial drugs
97399. Z16.39 Resistance to other specified antimicrobial drug
97400. Z17 Estrogen receptor status
97401. Z17.0 Estrogen receptor positive status [ER+]
97402. Z17.1 Estrogen receptor negative status [ER-]
97403. Z18 Retained foreign body fragments
97404. Z18.0 Retained radioactive fragments
97405. Z18.01 Retained depleted uranium fragments
97406. Z18.09 Other retained radioactive fragments
97407. Z18.1 Retained metal fragments
97408. Z18.10 Retained metal fragments, unspecified
97409. Z18.11 Retained magnetic metal fragments
97410. Z18.12 Retained nonmagnetic metal fragments
97411. Z18.2 Retained plastic fragments
97412. Z18.3 Retained organic fragments
97413. Z18.31 Retained animal quills or spines
97414. Z18.32 Retained tooth
97415. Z18.33 Retained wood fragments
97416. Z18.39 Other retained organic fragments
97417. Z18.8 Other specified retained foreign body
97418. Z18.81 Retained glass fragments
97419. Z18.83 Retained stone or crystalline fragments
97420. Z18.89 Other specified retained foreign body fragments
97421. Z18.9 Retained foreign body fragments, unspecified material
97422. Z19 Hormone sensitivity malignancy status
97423. Z19.1 Hormone sensitive malignancy status
97424. Z19.2 Hormone resistant malignancy status
97425. Z20 Contact w and (suspected) exposure to communicable diseases
97426. Z20.0 Contact w and exposure to intestinal infectious diseases
97427. Z20.01 Cntct w and expsr to intestnl infct dis d/t E coli (E. coli)
97428. Z20.09 Contact w and exposure to oth intestinal infectious diseases
97429. Z20.1 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to tuberculosis
97430. Z20.2 Contact w and exposure to infect w a sexl mode of transmiss
97431. Z20.3 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to rabies
97432. Z20.4 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to rubella
97433. Z20.5 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to viral hepatitis
97434. Z20.6 Contact w and (suspected) exposure to human immunodef virus
97435. Z20.7 Cntct w & expsr to pediculosis, acariasis & oth infestations
97436. Z20.8 Contact w and exposure to oth communicable diseases
97437. Z20.81 Contact w and exposure to oth bact communicable diseases
97438. Z20.810 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to anthrax
97439. Z20.811 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to meningococcus
97440. Z20.818 Contact w and exposure to oth bact communicable diseases
97441. Z20.82 Contact w and exposure to oth viral communicable diseases
97442. Z20.820 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to varicella
97443. Z20.821 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to Zika virus
97444. Z20.822 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to COVID-19 Contact with and (suspected) exposure to SARS-CoV-2
97445. Z20.828 Contact w and exposure to oth viral communicable diseases
97446. Z20.89 Contact w and exposure to oth communicable diseases
97447. Z20.9 Contact w and exposure to unsp communicable disease
97448. Z21 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection status
97449. Z22 Carrier of infectious disease
97450. Z22.0 Carrier of typhoid
97451. Z22.1 Carrier of other intestinal infectious diseases
97452. Z22.2 Carrier of diphtheria
97453. Z22.3 Carrier of other specified bacterial diseases
97454. Z22.31 Carrier of bacterial disease due to meningococci
97455. Z22.32 Carrier of bacterial disease due to staphylococci
97456. Z22.321 Carrier or suspected carrier of methicillin suscep staph
97457. Z22.322 Carrier or suspected carrier of methicillin resis staph
97458. Z22.33 Carrier of bacterial disease due to streptococci
97459. Z22.330 Carrier of Group B streptococcus
97460. Z22.338 Carrier of other streptococcus
97461. Z22.39 Carrier of other specified bacterial diseases
97462. Z22.4 Carrier of infections w sexl mode of transmiss
97463. Z22.5 Carrier of viral hepatitis
97464. Z22.50 Carrier of unspecified viral hepatitis
97465. Z22.51 Carrier of viral hepatitis B
97466. Z22.52 Carrier of viral hepatitis C
97467. Z22.59 Carrier of other viral hepatitis
97468. Z22.6 Carrier of human T-lymphotropic virus type-1 infection
97469. Z22.7 Latent tuberculosis
97470. Z22.8 Carrier of other infectious diseases
97471. Z22.9 Carrier of infectious disease, unspecified
97472. Z23 Encounter for immunization
97473. Z28 Immunization not carried out and underimmunization status
97474. Z28.0 Immunization not carried out because of contraindication
97475. Z28.01 Immunization not crd out because of acute illness of patient
97476. Z28.02 Immuniz not crd out bec chronic illness or cond of patient
97477. Z28.03 Immuniz not crd out bec immune compromised state of patient
97478. Z28.04 Immuniz not crd out bec patient allergy to vaccine or cmpnt
97479. Z28.09 Immunization not carried out because of oth contraindication
97480. Z28.1 Immuniz not crd out because of patient belief/grp pressr
97481. Z28.2 Immuniz not crd out bec pt decision for oth and unsp reason
97482. Z28.20 Immuniz not crd out bec patient decision for unsp reason
97483. Z28.21 Immunization not carried out because of patient refusal
97484. Z28.29 Immuniz not crd out bec patient decision for oth reason
97485. Z28.3 Underimmunization status
97486. Z28.310 Unvaccinated for COVID-19
97487. Z28.311 Partially vaccinated for COVID-19
97488. Z28.39 Other underimmunization status
97489. Z28.8 Immunization not carried out for other reason
97490. Z28.81 Immuniz not crd out due to patient having had the disease
97491. Z28.82 Immunization not carried out because of caregiver refusal
97492. Z28.83 Immunization not carried out due to unavailability of vaccine
97493. Z28.89 Immunization not carried out for other reason
97494. Z28.9 Immunization not carried out for unspecified reason
97495. Z29 Encounter for other prophylactic measures
97496. Z29.1 Encounter for prophylactic immunotherapy
97497. Z29.11 Enctr for prphylc immther for resp syncytial virus (RSV)
97498. Z29.12 Encounter for prophylactic antivenin
97499. Z29.13 Encounter for prophylactic Rho(D) immune globulin
97500. Z29.14 Encounter for prophylactic rabies immune globin
97501. Z29.3 Encounter for prophylactic fluoride administration
97502. Z29.8 Encounter for other specified prophylactic measures
97503. Z29.9 Encounter for prophylactic measures, unspecified
97504. Z30 Encounter for contraceptive management
97505. Z30.0 Encounter for general counseling and advice on contraception
97506. Z30.01 Encounter for initial prescription of contraceptives
97507. Z30.011 Encounter for initial prescription of contraceptive pills
97508. Z30.012 Encounter for prescription of emergency contraception
97509. Z30.013 Encounter for initial prescription of injectable contracep
97510. Z30.014 Encounter for initial prescription of uterin contracep dev
97511. Z30.015 Encounter for initial prescription of vagnl ring
97512. Z30.016 Enctr for init prescription of patch hormonal contracep dev
97513. Z30.017 Enctr for init prescription of implntbl subdermal contracep
97514. Z30.018 Encounter for initial prescription of other contraceptives
97515. Z30.019 Encounter for initial prescription of contraceptives, unsp
97516. Z30.02 Cnsl and instruction in natrl family planning to avoid preg
97517. Z30.09 Encounter for oth general cnsl and advice on contraception
97518. Z30.2 Encounter for sterilization
97519. Z30.4 Encounter for surveillance of contraceptives
97520. Z30.40 Encounter for surveillance of contraceptives, unspecified
97521. Z30.41 Encounter for surveillance of contraceptive pills
97522. Z30.42 Encounter for surveillance of injectable contraceptive
97523. Z30.43 Encounter for surveillance of intrauterine contracep dev
97524. Z30.430 Encounter for insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device
97525. Z30.431 Encounter for routine checking of intrauterine contracep dev
97526. Z30.432 Encounter for removal of intrauterine contraceptive device
97527. Z30.433 Encntr for removal and reinsertion of uterin contracep dev
97528. Z30.44 Encounter for surveillance of vagnl ring
97529. Z30.45 Enctr srvlnc transdermal patch hormonal contraceptive device
97530. Z30.46 Enctr srvlnc implantable subdermal contraceptive
97531. Z30.49 Encounter for surveillance of other contraceptives
97532. Z30.8 Encounter for other contraceptive management
97533. Z30.9 Encounter for contraceptive management, unspecified
97534. Z31 Encounter for procreative management
97535. Z31.0 Encounter for reversal of previous sterilization
97536. Z31.4 Encounter for procreative investigation and testing
97537. Z31.41 Encounter for fertility testing
97538. Z31.42 Aftercare following sterilization reversal
97539. Z31.43 Encounter for genetic testing of female for pro mgmt
97540. Z31.430 Encntr fem for test for genetc dis carrier stat for pro mgmt
97541. Z31.438 Encounter for oth genetic testing of female for pro mgmt
97542. Z31.44 Encounter for genetic testing of male for pro mgmt
97543. Z31.440 Encntr male test for genetic dis carrier status for pro mgmt
97544. Z31.441 Encntr for testing of male prtnr of pt w recur preg loss
97545. Z31.448 Encounter for oth genetic testing of male for pro mgmt
97546. Z31.49 Encounter for other procreative investigation and testing
97547. Z31.5 Encounter for genetic counseling
97548. Z31.6 Encounter for general counseling and advice on procreation
97549. Z31.61 Procreat counseling and advice using natural family planning
97550. Z31.62 Encounter for fertility preservation counseling
97551. Z31.69 Encounter for oth general cnsl and advice on procreation
97552. Z31.7 Enctr for pro mgmt and counseling for gestational carrier
97553. Z31.8 Encounter for other procreative management
97554. Z31.81 Encounter for male factor infertility in female patient
97555. Z31.82 Encounter for Rh incompatibility status
97556. Z31.83 Encounter for assisted reprodctv fertility procedure cycle
97557. Z31.84 Encounter for fertility preservation procedure
97558. Z31.89 Encounter for other procreative management
97559. Z31.9 Encounter for procreative management, unspecified
97560. Z32 Encntr for preg test and chldbrth and childcare instruction
97561. Z32.0 Encounter for pregnancy test
97562. Z32.00 Encounter for pregnancy test, result unknown
97563. Z32.01 Encounter for pregnancy test, result positive
97564. Z32.02 Encounter for pregnancy test, result negative
97565. Z32.2 Encounter for childbirth instruction
97566. Z32.3 Encounter for childcare instruction
97567. Z33 Pregnant state
97568. Z33.1 Pregnant state, incidental
97569. Z33.2 Encounter for elective termination of pregnancy
97570. Z33.3 Pregnant state, gestational carrier
97571. Z34 Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy
97572. Z34.0 Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy
97573. Z34.00 Encntr for suprvsn of normal first pregnancy, unsp trimester
97574. Z34.01 Encntr for suprvsn of normal first preg, first trimester
97575. Z34.02 Encntr for suprvsn of normal first preg, second trimester
97576. Z34.03 Encntr for suprvsn of normal first preg, third trimester
97577. Z34.8 Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy
97578. Z34.80 Encounter for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, unsp trimester
97579. Z34.81 Encounter for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, first trimester
97580. Z34.82 Encounter for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, second trimester
97581. Z34.83 Encounter for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, third trimester
97582. Z34.9 Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified
97583. Z34.90 Encntr for suprvsn of normal pregnancy, unsp, unsp trimester
97584. Z34.91 Encntr for suprvsn of normal preg, unsp, first trimester
97585. Z34.92 Encntr for suprvsn of normal preg, unsp, second trimester
97586. Z34.93 Encntr for suprvsn of normal preg, unsp, third trimester
97587. Z36 Encounter for antenatal screening of mother
97588. Z36.0 Encounter for antenatal screening for chromosomal anomalies
97589. Z36.1 Encounter for antenatal screening for raised alphafetoprotein level
97590. Z36.2 Encounter for other antenatal screening follow-up
97591. Z36.3 Encounter for antenatal screening for malformations
97592. Z36.4 Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal growth retardation
97593. Z36.5 Encounter for antenatal screening for isoimmunization
97594. Z36.81 Encounter for antenatal screening for hydrops fetalis
97595. Z36.82 Encounter for antenatal screening for nuchal translucency
97596. Z36.83 Encounter for fetal screening for congenital cardiac abnormalities
97597. Z36.84 Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal lung maturity
97598. Z36.85 Encounter for antenatal screening for Streptococcus B
97599. Z36.86 Encounter for antenatal screening for cervical length
97600. Z36.87 Encounter for antenatal screening for uncertain dates
97601. Z36.88 Encounter for antenatal screening for fetal macrosomia
97602. Z36.89 Encounter for other specified antenatal screening
97603. Z36.8A Encounter for antenatal screening for other genetic defects
97604. Z36.9 Encounter for antenatal screening, unspecified
97605. Z37 Outcome of delivery
97606. Z37.0 Single live birth
97607. Z37.1 Single stillbirth
97608. Z37.2 Twins, both liveborn
97609. Z37.3 Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn
97610. Z37.4 Twins, both stillborn
97611. Z37.5 Other multiple births, all liveborn
97612. Z37.50 Multiple births, unspecified, all liveborn
97613. Z37.51 Triplets, all liveborn
97614. Z37.52 Quadruplets, all liveborn
97615. Z37.53 Quintuplets, all liveborn
97616. Z37.54 Sextuplets, all liveborn
97617. Z37.59 Other multiple births, all liveborn
97618. Z37.6 Other multiple births, some liveborn
97619. Z37.60 Multiple births, unspecified, some liveborn
97620. Z37.61 Triplets, some liveborn
97621. Z37.62 Quadruplets, some liveborn
97622. Z37.63 Quintuplets, some liveborn
97623. Z37.64 Sextuplets, some liveborn
97624. Z37.69 Other multiple births, some liveborn
97625. Z37.7 Other multiple births, all stillborn
97626. Z37.9 Outcome of delivery, unspecified
97627. Z38 Liveborn infants according to place of birth and type of del
97628. Z38.0 Single liveborn infant, born in hospital
97629. Z38.00 Single liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97630. Z38.01 Single liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97631. Z38.1 Single liveborn infant, born outside hospital
97632. Z38.2 Single liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth
97633. Z38.3 Twin liveborn infant, born in hospital
97634. Z38.30 Twin liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97635. Z38.31 Twin liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97636. Z38.4 Twin liveborn infant, born outside hospital
97637. Z38.5 Twin liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth
97638. Z38.6 Other multiple liveborn infant, born in hospital
97639. Z38.61 Triplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97640. Z38.62 Triplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97641. Z38.63 Quadruplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97642. Z38.64 Quadruplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97643. Z38.65 Quintuplet liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97644. Z38.66 Quintuplet liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97645. Z38.68 Other multiple liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
97646. Z38.69 Other multiple liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
97647. Z38.7 Other multiple liveborn infant, born outside hospital
97648. Z38.8 Other multiple liveborn infant, unsp as to place of birth
97649. Z39 Encounter for maternal postpartum care and examination
97650. Z39.0 Encntr for care and exam of mother immediately after del
97651. Z39.1 Encounter for care and examination of lactating mother
97652. Z39.2 Encounter for routine postpartum follow-up
97653. Z3A Weeks of gestation
97654. Z3A.0 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy, unsp or less than 10 weeks
97655. Z3A.00 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy not specified
97656. Z3A.01 Less than 8 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97657. Z3A.08 8 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97658. Z3A.09 9 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97659. Z3A.1 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy, weeks 10-19
97660. Z3A.10 10 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97661. Z3A.11 11 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97662. Z3A.12 12 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97663. Z3A.13 13 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97664. Z3A.14 14 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97665. Z3A.15 15 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97666. Z3A.16 16 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97667. Z3A.17 17 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97668. Z3A.18 18 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97669. Z3A.19 19 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97670. Z3A.2 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy, weeks 20-29
97671. Z3A.20 20 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97672. Z3A.21 21 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97673. Z3A.22 22 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97674. Z3A.23 23 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97675. Z3A.24 24 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97676. Z3A.25 25 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97677. Z3A.26 26 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97678. Z3A.27 27 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97679. Z3A.28 28 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97680. Z3A.29 29 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97681. Z3A.3 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy, weeks 30-39
97682. Z3A.30 30 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97683. Z3A.31 31 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97684. Z3A.32 32 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97685. Z3A.33 33 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97686. Z3A.34 34 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97687. Z3A.35 35 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97688. Z3A.36 36 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97689. Z3A.37 37 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97690. Z3A.38 38 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97691. Z3A.39 39 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97692. Z3A.4 Weeks of gestation of pregnancy, weeks 40 or greater
97693. Z3A.40 40 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97694. Z3A.41 41 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97695. Z3A.42 42 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97696. Z3A.49 Greater than 42 weeks gestation of pregnancy
97697. Z40 Encounter for prophylactic surgery
97698. Z40.0 Encntr for prophylc surg for risks related to malig neoplm
97699. Z40.00 Encounter for prophylactic removal of unspecified organ
97700. Z40.01 Encounter for prophylactic removal of breast
97701. Z40.02 Encounter for prophylactic removal of ovary
97702. Z40.03 Encounter for prophylactic removal of fallopian tube(s )
97703. Z40.09 Encounter for prophylactic removal of other organ
97704. Z40.8 Encounter for other prophylactic surgery
97705. Z40.9 Encounter for prophylactic surgery, unspecified
97706. Z41 Encntr for proc for purposes oth than remedying health state
97707. Z41.1 Encounter for cosmetic surgery
97708. Z41.2 Encounter for routine and ritual male circumcision
97709. Z41.3 Encounter for ear piercing
97710. Z41.8 Encntr for oth proc for purpose oth than remedy health state
97711. Z41.9 Encntr for proc for purpose oth than remedy hlth state, unsp
97712. Z42 Encntr for plast/recnst surg fol med proc or healed injury
97713. Z42.1 Encounter for breast reconstruction following mastectomy
97714. Z42.8 Encntr for oth plast/recnst surg fol med proc or heal injury
97715. Z43 Encounter for attention to artificial openings
97716. Z43.0 Encounter for attention to tracheostomy
97717. Z43.1 Encounter for attention to gastrostomy
97718. Z43.2 Encounter for attention to ileostomy
97719. Z43.3 Encounter for attention to colostomy
97720. Z43.4 Encounter for attn to oth artif openings of digestive tract
97721. Z43.5 Encounter for attention to cystostomy
97722. Z43.6 Encounter for attn to oth artif openings of urinary tract
97723. Z43.7 Encounter for attention to artificial vagina
97724. Z43.8 Encounter for attention to other artificial openings
97725. Z43.9 Encounter for attention to unspecified artificial opening
97726. Z44 Encounter for fit/adjst of external prosthetic device
97727. Z44.0 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial arm
97728. Z44.00 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of unsp artificial arm
97729. Z44.001 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp right artificial arm
97730. Z44.002 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp left artificial arm
97731. Z44.009 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp artificial arm, unsp arm
97732. Z44.01 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete artificial arm
97733. Z44.011 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete right artificial arm
97734. Z44.012 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete left artificial arm
97735. Z44.019 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete artificial arm, unsp arm
97736. Z44.02 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial arm
97737. Z44.021 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial right arm
97738. Z44.022 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial left arm
97739. Z44.029 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial arm, unsp arm
97740. Z44.1 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial leg
97741. Z44.10 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of unsp artificial leg
97742. Z44.101 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp right artificial leg
97743. Z44.102 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp left artificial leg
97744. Z44.109 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp artificial leg, unsp leg
97745. Z44.11 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete artificial leg
97746. Z44.111 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete right artificial leg
97747. Z44.112 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete left artificial leg
97748. Z44.119 Encounter for fit/adjst of complete artificial leg, unsp leg
97749. Z44.12 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial leg
97750. Z44.121 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial right leg
97751. Z44.122 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial left leg
97752. Z44.129 Encounter for fit/adjst of partial artificial leg, unsp leg
97753. Z44.2 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial eye
97754. Z44.20 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial eye, unsp
97755. Z44.21 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial right eye
97756. Z44.22 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of artificial left eye
97757. Z44.3 Encounter for fit/adjst of external breast prosthesis
97758. Z44.30 Encntr for fit/adjst of external breast prosth, unsp breast
97759. Z44.31 Encounter for fit/adjst of external right breast prosthesis
97760. Z44.32 Encounter for fit/adjst of external left breast prosthesis
97761. Z44.8 Encounter for fit/adjst of external prosthetic devices
97762. Z44.9 Encounter for fit/adjst of unsp external prosthetic device
97763. Z45 Encounter for adjustment and management of implanted device
97764. Z45.0 Encounter for adjustment and management of cardiac device
97765. Z45.01 Encounter for adjustment and management of cardiac pacemaker
97766. Z45.010 Encntr for checking and test of card pacemaker pulse gnrtr
97767. Z45.018 Encounter for adjust and mgmt oth prt cardiac pacemaker
97768. Z45.02 Encntr for adjust and mgmt of automatic implntbl card defib
97769. Z45.09 Encounter for adjustment and management of cardiac device
97770. Z45.1 Encounter for adjustment and management of infusion pump
97771. Z45.2 Encounter for adjustment and management of VAD
97772. Z45.3 Encntr for adjust and mgmt of implnt dev of the specl senses
97773. Z45.31 Encntr for adjust and mgmt of implnt visual substitution dev
97774. Z45.32 Encounter for adjust and management of implanted hear dev
97775. Z45.320 Encounter for adjust and mgmt of bone conduction device
97776. Z45.321 Encounter for adjustment and management of cochlear device
97777. Z45.328 Encounter for adjust and management of implanted hear dev
97778. Z45.4 Encntr for adjust and mgmt of implanted nervous sys device
97779. Z45.41 Encounter for adjustment and management of CSF drain dev
97780. Z45.42 Encounter for adjust and mgmt of neuropacemaker (brain)
97781. Z45.49 Encntr for adjust and mgmt of implanted nervous sys device
97782. Z45.8 Encounter for adjustment and management of implanted devices
97783. Z45.81 Encounter for adjustment or removal of breast implant
97784. Z45.811 Encounter for adjustment or removal of right breast implant
97785. Z45.812 Encounter for adjustment or removal of left breast implant
97786. Z45.819 Encounter for adjustment or removal of unsp breast implant
97787. Z45.82 Encntr for adjust or removal of myringotomy device (tube)
97788. Z45.89 Encounter for adjustment and management of implanted devices
97789. Z45.9 Encounter for adjust and management of unsp implanted device
97790. Z46 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of other devices
97791. Z46.0 Encounter for fit/adjst of spectacles and contact lenses
97792. Z46.1 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of hearing aid
97793. Z46.2 Encntr for fit/adjst of dev rel to nrv sys and specl senses
97794. Z46.3 Encounter for fit/adjst of dental prosthetic device
97795. Z46.4 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of orthodontic device
97796. Z46.5 Encounter for fit/adjst of GI appliance and device
97797. Z46.51 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band
97798. Z46.59 Encounter for fit/adjst of GI appliance and device
97799. Z46.6 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of urinary device
97800. Z46.8 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of oth devices
97801. Z46.81 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of insulin pump
97802. Z46.82 Encounter for fit/adjst of non-vascular catheter
97803. Z46.89 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of oth devices
97804. Z46.9 Encounter for fitting and adjustment of unspecified device
97805. Z47 Orthopedic aftercare
97806. Z47.1 Aftercare following joint replacement surgery
97807. Z47.2 Encounter for removal of internal fixation device
97808. Z47.3 Aftercare following explantation of joint prosthesis
97809. Z47.31 Aftercare following explantation of shoulder jt prosthesis
97810. Z47.32 Aftercare following explantation of hip joint prosthesis
97811. Z47.33 Aftercare following explantation of knee joint prosthesis
97812. Z47.8 Encounter for other orthopedic aftercare
97813. Z47.81 Encounter for orthopedic aftercare following surgical amp
97814. Z47.82 Encounter for orth aftercare following scoliosis surgery
97815. Z47.89 Encounter for other orthopedic aftercare
97816. Z48 Encounter for other postprocedural aftercare
97817. Z48.0 Encounter for attention to dressings, sutures and drains
97818. Z48.00 Encounter for change or removal of nonsurg wound dressing
97819. Z48.01 Encounter for change or removal of surgical wound dressing
97820. Z48.02 Encounter for removal of sutures
97821. Z48.03 Encounter for change or removal of drains
97822. Z48.1 Encounter for planned postprocedural wound closure
97823. Z48.2 Encounter for aftercare following organ transplant
97824. Z48.21 Encounter for aftercare following heart transplant
97825. Z48.22 Encounter for aftercare following kidney transplant
97826. Z48.23 Encounter for aftercare following liver transplant
97827. Z48.24 Encounter for aftercare following lung transplant
97828. Z48.28 Encounter for aftercare following multiple organ transplant
97829. Z48.280 Encounter for aftercare following heart-lung transplant
97830. Z48.288 Encounter for aftercare following multiple organ transplant
97831. Z48.29 Encounter for aftercare following other organ transplant
97832. Z48.290 Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant
97833. Z48.298 Encounter for aftercare following other organ transplant
97834. Z48.3 Aftercare following surgery for neoplasm
97835. Z48.8 Encounter for other specified postprocedural aftercare
97836. Z48.81 Encntr for surgical aftcr fol surgery on spcf body systems
97837. Z48.810 Encntr for surgical aftcr fol surgery on the sense organs
97838. Z48.811 Encntr for surgical aftcr fol surgery on the nervous sys
97839. Z48.812 Encntr for surgical aftcr following surgery on the circ sys
97840. Z48.813 Encntr for surgical aftcr following surgery on the resp sys
97841. Z48.814 Encntr for surg aftcr fol surg on the teeth or oral cavity
97842. Z48.815 Encntr for surgical aftcr following surgery on the dgstv sys
97843. Z48.816 Encounter for surgical aftcr following surgery on the GU sys
97844. Z48.817 Encntr for surgical aftcr fol surgery on the skin, subcu
97845. Z48.89 Encounter for other specified surgical aftercare
97846. Z49 Encounter for care involving renal dialysis
97847. Z49.0 Preparatory care for renal dialysis
97848. Z49.01 Encounter for fit/adjst of extracorporeal dialysis catheter
97849. Z49.02 Encounter for fit/adjst of peritoneal dialysis catheter
97850. Z49.3 Encounter for adequacy testing for dialysis
97851. Z49.31 Encounter for adequacy testing for hemodialysis
97852. Z49.32 Encounter for adequacy testing for peritoneal dialysis
97853. Z51 Encounter for other aftercare
97854. Z51.0 Encounter for antineoplastic radiation therapy
97855. Z51.1 Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy and immunotherapy
97856. Z51.11 Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy
97857. Z51.12 Encounter for antineoplastic immunotherapy
97858. Z51.5 Encounter for palliative care
97859. Z51.6 Encounter for desensitization to allergens
97860. Z51.8 Encounter for other specified aftercare
97861. Z51.81 Encounter for therapeutic drug level monitoring
97862. Z51.89 Encounter for other specified aftercare
97863. Z52 Donors of organs and tissues
97864. Z52.0 Blood donor
97865. Z52.00 Unspecified blood donor
97866. Z52.000 Unspecified donor, whole blood
97867. Z52.001 Unspecified donor, stem cells
97868. Z52.008 Unspecified donor, other blood
97869. Z52.01 Autologous blood donor
97870. Z52.010 Autologous donor, whole blood
97871. Z52.011 Autologous donor, stem cells
97872. Z52.018 Autologous donor, other blood
97873. Z52.09 Other blood donor
97874. Z52.090 Other blood donor, whole blood
97875. Z52.091 Other blood donor, stem cells
97876. Z52.098 Other blood donor, other blood
97877. Z52.1 Skin donor
97878. Z52.10 Skin donor, unspecified
97879. Z52.11 Skin donor, autologous
97880. Z52.19 Skin donor, other
97881. Z52.2 Bone donor
97882. Z52.20 Bone donor, unspecified
97883. Z52.21 Bone donor, autologous
97884. Z52.29 Bone donor, other
97885. Z52.3 Bone marrow donor
97886. Z52.4 Kidney donor
97887. Z52.5 Cornea donor
97888. Z52.6 Liver donor
97889. Z52.8 Donor of other specified organs or tissues
97890. Z52.81 Egg (Oocyte) donor
97891. Z52.810 Egg (Oocyte) donor under age 35, anonymous recipient
97892. Z52.811 Egg (Oocyte) donor under age 35, designated recipient
97893. Z52.812 Egg (Oocyte) donor age 35 and over, anonymous recipient
97894. Z52.813 Egg (Oocyte) donor age 35 and over, designated recipient
97895. Z52.819 Egg (Oocyte) donor, unspecified
97896. Z52.89 Donor of other specified organs or tissues
97897. Z52.9 Donor of unspecified organ or tissue
97898. Z53 Persons encntr hlth serv for spec proc & trtmt, not crd out
97899. Z53.0 Proc/trtmt not carried out because of contraindication
97900. Z53.01 Proc/trtmt not carried out due to patient smoking
97901. Z53.09 Proc/trtmt not carried out because of contraindication
97902. Z53.1 Proc/trtmt not crd out bec pt belief and group pressure
97903. Z53.2 Proc/trtmt not crd out bec pt decision for oth/unsp reason
97904. Z53.20 Proc/trtmt not crd out bec pt decision for unsp reasons
97905. Z53.21 Proc/trtmt not crd out d/t pt lv bef seen by hlth care prov
97906. Z53.29 Proc/trtmt not crd out bec pt decision for oth reasons
97907. Z53.3 Procedure converted to open procedure
97908. Z53.31 Laparoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure
97909. Z53.32 Thoracoscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure
97910. Z53.33 Arthroscopic surgical procedure converted to open procedure
97911. Z53.39 Other specified procedure converted to open procedure
97912. Z53.8 Procedure and treatment not carried out for other reasons
97913. Z53.9 Procedure and treatment not carried out, unspecified reason
97914. Z55 Problems related to education and literacy
97915. Z55.0 Illiteracy and low-level literacy
97916. Z55.1 Schooling unavailable and unattainable
97917. Z55.2 Failed school examinations
97918. Z55.3 Underachievement in school
97919. Z55.4 Educational maladjustment & discord w teachers & classmates
97920. Z55.5 Less than a high school diploma
97921. Z55.8 Other problems related to education and literacy
97922. Z55.9 Problems related to education and literacy, unspecified
97923. Z56 Problems related to employment and unemployment
97924. Z56.0 Unemployment, unspecified
97925. Z56.1 Change of job
97926. Z56.2 Threat of job loss
97927. Z56.3 Stressful work schedule
97928. Z56.4 Discord with boss and workmates
97929. Z56.5 Uncongenial work environment
97930. Z56.6 Other physical and mental strain related to work
97931. Z56.8 Other problems related to employment
97932. Z56.81 Sexual harassment on the job
97933. Z56.82 Military deployment status
97934. Z56.89 Other problems related to employment
97935. Z56.9 Unspecified problems related to employment
97936. Z57 Occupational exposure to risk factors
97937. Z57.0 Occupational exposure to noise
97938. Z57.1 Occupational exposure to radiation
97939. Z57.2 Occupational exposure to dust
97940. Z57.3 Occupational exposure to other air contaminants
97941. Z57.31 Occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
97942. Z57.39 Occupational exposure to other air contaminants
97943. Z57.4 Occupational exposure to toxic agents in agriculture
97944. Z57.5 Occupational exposure to toxic agents in other industries
97945. Z57.6 Occupational exposure to extreme temperature
97946. Z57.7 Occupational exposure to vibration
97947. Z57.8 Occupational exposure to other risk factors
97948. Z57.9 Occupational exposure to unspecified risk factor
97949. Z58.6 Inadequate drinking-water supply
97950. Z59 Problems related to housing and economic circumstances
97951. Z59.0 Homelessness
97952. Z59.00 Homelessness unspecified
97953. Z59.01 Sheltered homelessness
97954. Z59.02 Unsheltered homelessness
97955. Z59.1 Inadequate housing
97956. Z59.2 Discord with neighbors, lodgers and landlord
97957. Z59.3 Problems related to living in residential institution
97958. Z59.4 Lack of adequate food and safe drinking water
97959. Z59.41 Food insecurity
97960. Z59.48 Other specified lack of adequate food
97961. Z59.5 Extreme poverty
97962. Z59.6 Low income
97963. Z59.7 Insufficient social insurance and welfare support
97964. Z59.8 Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances
97965. Z59.811 Housing instability housed with risk of homelessness
97966. Z59.812 Housing instability housed homelessness in past 12 months
97967. Z59.819 Housing instability housed unspecified
97968. Z59.89 Other problems related to housing and economic circumstances
97969. Z59.9 Problem related to housing and economic circumstances, unsp
97970. Z60 Problems related to social environment
97971. Z60.0 Problems of adjustment to life-cycle transitions
97972. Z60.2 Problems related to living alone
97973. Z60.3 Acculturation difficulty
97974. Z60.4 Social exclusion and rejection
97975. Z60.5 Target of (perceived) adverse discrimination and persecution
97976. Z60.8 Other problems related to social environment
97977. Z60.9 Problem related to social environment, unspecified
97978. Z62 Problems related to upbringing
97979. Z62.0 Inadequate parental supervision and control
97980. Z62.1 Parental overprotection
97981. Z62.2 Upbringing away from parents
97982. Z62.21 Child in welfare custody
97983. Z62.22 Institutional upbringing
97984. Z62.29 Other upbringing away from parents
97985. Z62.3 Hostility towards and scapegoating of child
97986. Z62.6 Inappropriate (excessive) parental pressure
97987. Z62.8 Other specified problems related to upbringing
97988. Z62.81 Personal history of abuse in childhood
97989. Z62.810 Personal history of physical and sexual abuse in childhood
97990. Z62.811 Personal history of psychological abuse in childhood
97991. Z62.812 Personal history of neglect in childhood
97992. Z62.813 Personal history of forced labor or sexual exploitation in childhood
97993. Z62.819 Personal history of unspecified abuse in childhood
97994. Z62.82 Parent-child conflict
97995. Z62.820 Parent-biological child conflict
97996. Z62.821 Parent-adopted child conflict
97997. Z62.822 Parent-foster child conflict
97998. Z62.89 Other specified problems related to upbringing
97999. Z62.890 Parent-child estrangement NEC
98000. Z62.891 Sibling rivalry
Total Records: 98842

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