ECMO | Extracorporeal Life Support

ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes for ELSO Registry Data Entry

Here’s a comprehensive list of ICD-10 diagnosis codes. These codes come in handy when entering data into the ELSO Registry. If you are looking for specific cardiac or respiratory codes, then view lists of Common Cardiac ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes and Common Respiratory ICD-10 Diagnoses Codes .

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(Any valid ICD-10 code can be used)
ICD-10 Code   Description  
27001. O47.1 False labor at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation
27002. O47.9 False labor, unspecified
27003. O48 Late pregnancy
27004. O48.0 Post-term pregnancy
27005. O48.1 Prolonged pregnancy
27006. O60 Preterm labor
27007. O60.0 Preterm labor without delivery
27008. O60.00 Preterm labor without delivery, unspecified trimester
27009. O60.02 Preterm labor without delivery, second trimester
27010. O60.03 Preterm labor without delivery, third trimester
27011. O60.1 Preterm labor with preterm delivery
27012. O60.10 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unspecified trimester
27013. O60.10X 0 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unspecified trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27014. O60.10X0 Preterm labor w preterm delivery, unsp trimester, unsp
27015. O60.10X1 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unsp trimester, fetus 1
27016. O60.10X2 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unsp trimester, fetus 2
27017. O60.10X3 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unsp trimester, fetus 3
27018. O60.10X4 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unsp trimester, fetus 4
27019. O60.10X5 Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unsp trimester, fetus 5
27020. O60.10X9 Preterm labor w preterm delivery, unsp trimester, oth fetus
27021. O60.12 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery second trimester
27022. O60.12X 0 Preterm labor second trimester with preterm delivery second trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27023. O60.12X0 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery second tri, unsp
27024. O60.12X1 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del second tri, fetus 1
27025. O60.12X2 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del second tri, fetus 2
27026. O60.12X3 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del second tri, fetus 3
27027. O60.12X4 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del second tri, fetus 4
27028. O60.12X5 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del second tri, fetus 5
27029. O60.12X9 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery second tri, oth
27030. O60.13 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery third trimester
27031. O60.13X 0 Preterm labor second trimester with preterm delivery third trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27032. O60.13X0 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery third tri, unsp
27033. O60.13X1 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 1
27034. O60.13X2 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 2
27035. O60.13X3 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 3
27036. O60.13X4 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 4
27037. O60.13X5 Preterm labor second tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 5
27038. O60.13X9 Preterm labor second tri w preterm delivery third tri, oth
27039. O60.14 Preterm labor third tri w preterm delivery third trimester
27040. O60.14X 0 Preterm labor third trimester with preterm delivery third trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27041. O60.14X0 Preterm labor third tri w preterm delivery third tri, unsp
27042. O60.14X1 Preterm labor third tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 1
27043. O60.14X2 Preterm labor third tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 2
27044. O60.14X3 Preterm labor third tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 3
27045. O60.14X4 Preterm labor third tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 4
27046. O60.14X5 Preterm labor third tri w preterm del third tri, fetus 5
27047. O60.14X9 Preterm labor third tri w preterm delivery third tri, oth
27048. O60.2 Term delivery with preterm labor
27049. O60.20 Term delivery with preterm labor, unspecified trimester
27050. O60.20X 0 Term delivery with preterm labor, unspecified trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27051. O60.20X0 Term delivery w preterm labor, unsp trimester, unsp
27052. O60.20X1 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, fetus 1
27053. O60.20X2 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, fetus 2
27054. O60.20X3 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, fetus 3
27055. O60.20X4 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, fetus 4
27056. O60.20X5 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, fetus 5
27057. O60.20X9 Term delivery with preterm labor, unsp trimester, oth fetus
27058. O60.22 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester
27059. O60.22X 0 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27060. O60.22X0 Term delivery w preterm labor, second trimester, unsp
27061. O60.22X1 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, fetus 1
27062. O60.22X2 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, fetus 2
27063. O60.22X3 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, fetus 3
27064. O60.22X4 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, fetus 4
27065. O60.22X5 Term delivery with preterm labor, second trimester, fetus 5
27066. O60.22X9 Term delivery w preterm labor, second trimester, oth fetus
27067. O60.23 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester
27068. O60.23X 0 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, not applicable or unspecified
27069. O60.23X0 Term delivery w preterm labor, third trimester, unsp
27070. O60.23X1 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, fetus 1
27071. O60.23X2 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, fetus 2
27072. O60.23X3 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, fetus 3
27073. O60.23X4 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, fetus 4
27074. O60.23X5 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, fetus 5
27075. O60.23X9 Term delivery with preterm labor, third trimester, oth fetus
27076. O61 Failed induction of labor
27077. O61.0 Failed medical induction of labor
27078. O61.1 Failed instrumental induction of labor
27079. O61.8 Other failed induction of labor
27080. O61.9 Failed induction of labor, unspecified
27081. O62 Abnormalities of forces of labor
27082. O62.0 Primary inadequate contractions
27083. O62.1 Secondary uterine inertia
27084. O62.2 Other uterine inertia
27085. O62.3 Precipitate labor
27086. O62.4 Hypertonic, incoordinate, and prolonged uterine contractions
27087. O62.8 Other abnormalities of forces of labor
27088. O62.9 Abnormality of forces of labor, unspecified
27089. O63 Long labor
27090. O63.0 Prolonged first stage (of labor)
27091. O63.1 Prolonged second stage (of labor)
27092. O63.2 Delayed delivery of second twin, triplet, etc.
27093. O63.9 Long labor, unspecified
27094. O64 Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresent of fetus
27095. O64.0 Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head
27096. O64.0XX 0 Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head, not applicable or unspecified
27097. O64.0XX0 Obstructed labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, unsp
27098. O64.0XX1 Obst labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, fetus 1
27099. O64.0XX2 Obst labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, fetus 2
27100. O64.0XX3 Obst labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, fetus 3
27101. O64.0XX4 Obst labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, fetus 4
27102. O64.0XX5 Obst labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, fetus 5
27103. O64.0XX9 Obstructed labor due to incmpl rotation of fetal head, oth
27104. O64.1 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation
27105. O64.1XX 0 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, not applicable or unspecified
27106. O64.1XX0 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, unsp
27107. O64.1XX1 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, fetus 1
27108. O64.1XX2 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, fetus 2
27109. O64.1XX3 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, fetus 3
27110. O64.1XX4 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, fetus 4
27111. O64.1XX5 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, fetus 5
27112. O64.1XX9 Obstructed labor due to breech presentation, other fetus
27113. O64.2 Obstructed labor due to face presentation
27114. O64.2XX 0 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, not applicable or unspecified
27115. O64.2XX0 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, unsp
27116. O64.2XX1 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, fetus 1
27117. O64.2XX2 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, fetus 2
27118. O64.2XX3 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, fetus 3
27119. O64.2XX4 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, fetus 4
27120. O64.2XX5 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, fetus 5
27121. O64.2XX9 Obstructed labor due to face presentation, other fetus
27122. O64.3 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation
27123. O64.3XX 0 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, not applicable or unspecified
27124. O64.3XX0 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, unsp
27125. O64.3XX1 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, fetus 1
27126. O64.3XX2 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, fetus 2
27127. O64.3XX3 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, fetus 3
27128. O64.3XX4 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, fetus 4
27129. O64.3XX5 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, fetus 5
27130. O64.3XX9 Obstructed labor due to brow presentation, other fetus
27131. O64.4 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation
27132. O64.4XX 0 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, not applicable or unspecified
27133. O64.4XX0 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, unsp
27134. O64.4XX1 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, fetus 1
27135. O64.4XX2 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, fetus 2
27136. O64.4XX3 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, fetus 3
27137. O64.4XX4 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, fetus 4
27138. O64.4XX5 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, fetus 5
27139. O64.4XX9 Obstructed labor due to shoulder presentation, other fetus
27140. O64.5 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation
27141. O64.5XX 0 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, not applicable or unspecified
27142. O64.5XX0 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, unsp
27143. O64.5XX1 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, fetus 1
27144. O64.5XX2 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, fetus 2
27145. O64.5XX3 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, fetus 3
27146. O64.5XX4 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, fetus 4
27147. O64.5XX5 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, fetus 5
27148. O64.5XX9 Obstructed labor due to compound presentation, other fetus
27149. O64.8 Obstructed labor due to oth malposition and malpresentation
27150. O64.8XX 0 Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation, not applicable or unspecified
27151. O64.8XX0 Obstructed labor due to oth malposition and malpresent, unsp
27152. O64.8XX1 Obstructed labor due to oth malpos and malpresent, fetus 1
27153. O64.8XX2 Obstructed labor due to oth malpos and malpresent, fetus 2
27154. O64.8XX3 Obstructed labor due to oth malpos and malpresent, fetus 3
27155. O64.8XX4 Obstructed labor due to oth malpos and malpresent, fetus 4
27156. O64.8XX5 Obstructed labor due to oth malpos and malpresent, fetus 5
27157. O64.8XX9 Obstructed labor due to oth malposition and malpresent, oth
27158. O64.9 Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresent, unsp
27159. O64.9XX 0 Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresentation, unspecified, not applicable or unspecified
27160. O64.9XX0 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, unsp
27161. O64.9XX1 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, fetus 1
27162. O64.9XX2 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, fetus 2
27163. O64.9XX3 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, fetus 3
27164. O64.9XX4 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, fetus 4
27165. O64.9XX5 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, fetus 5
27166. O64.9XX9 Obstructed labor due to malpos and malpresent, unsp, oth
27167. O65 Obstructed labor due to maternal pelvic abnormality
27168. O65.0 Obstructed labor due to deformed pelvis
27169. O65.1 Obstructed labor due to generally contracted pelvis
27170. O65.2 Obstructed labor due to pelvic inlet contraction
27171. O65.3 Obst labor due to pelvic outlet and mid-cavity contrctn
27172. O65.4 Obstructed labor due to fetopelvic disproportion, unsp
27173. O65.5 Obstructed labor due to abnlt of maternal pelvic organs
27174. O65.8 Obstructed labor due to other maternal pelvic abnormalities
27175. O65.9 Obstructed labor due to maternal pelvic abnormality, unsp
27176. O66 Other obstructed labor
27177. O66.0 Obstructed labor due to shoulder dystocia
27178. O66.1 Obstructed labor due to locked twins
27179. O66.2 Obstructed labor due to unusually large fetus
27180. O66.3 Obstructed labor due to other abnormalities of fetus
27181. O66.4 Failed trial of labor
27182. O66.40 Failed trial of labor, unspecified
27183. O66.41 Failed attempt vaginal birth after previous cesarean del
27184. O66.5 Attempted application of vacuum extractor and forceps
27185. O66.6 Obstructed labor due to other multiple fetuses
27186. O66.8 Other specified obstructed labor
27187. O66.9 Obstructed labor, unspecified
27188. O67 Labor and delivery comp by intrapartum hemorrhage, NEC
27189. O67.0 Intrapartum hemorrhage with coagulation defect
27190. O67.8 Other intrapartum hemorrhage
27191. O67.9 Intrapartum hemorrhage, unspecified
27192. O68 Labor and delivery comp by abnlt of fetal acid-base balance
27193. O69 Labor and delivery complicated by umbilical cord comp
27194. O69.0 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord
27195. O69.0XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, not applicable or unspecified
27196. O69.0XX0 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, unsp
27197. O69.0XX1 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, fetus 1
27198. O69.0XX2 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, fetus 2
27199. O69.0XX3 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, fetus 3
27200. O69.0XX4 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, fetus 4
27201. O69.0XX5 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, fetus 5
27202. O69.0XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord, oth
27203. O69.1 Labor and delivery comp by cord around neck, w compression
27204. O69.1XX 1 Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, with compression, fetus 1
27205. O69.1XX0 Labor and delivery comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, unsp
27206. O69.1XX1 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, fetus 1
27207. O69.1XX2 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, fetus 2
27208. O69.1XX3 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, fetus 3
27209. O69.1XX4 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, fetus 4
27210. O69.1XX5 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, fetus 5
27211. O69.1XX9 Labor and delivery comp by cord around neck, w comprsn, oth
27212. O69.2 Labor and delivery comp by oth cord entangle, w compression
27213. O69.2XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression, not applicable or unspecified
27214. O69.2XX0 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, unsp
27215. O69.2XX1 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, fetus 1
27216. O69.2XX2 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, fetus 2
27217. O69.2XX3 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, fetus 3
27218. O69.2XX4 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, fetus 4
27219. O69.2XX5 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, fetus 5
27220. O69.2XX9 Labor and delivery comp by oth cord entangle, w comprsn, oth
27221. O69.3 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord
27222. O69.3XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, not applicable or unspecified
27223. O69.3XX0 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, unsp
27224. O69.3XX1 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, fetus 1
27225. O69.3XX2 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, fetus 2
27226. O69.3XX3 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, fetus 3
27227. O69.3XX4 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, fetus 4
27228. O69.3XX5 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, fetus 5
27229. O69.3XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by short cord, other fetus
27230. O69.4 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa
27231. O69.4XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, not applicable or unspecified
27232. O69.4XX0 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, unsp
27233. O69.4XX1 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, fetus 1
27234. O69.4XX2 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, fetus 2
27235. O69.4XX3 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, fetus 3
27236. O69.4XX4 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, fetus 4
27237. O69.4XX5 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, fetus 5
27238. O69.4XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa, other fetus
27239. O69.5 Labor and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord
27240. O69.5XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by vascular lesion of cord, not applicable or unspecified
27241. O69.5XX0 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, unsp
27242. O69.5XX1 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, fetus 1
27243. O69.5XX2 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, fetus 2
27244. O69.5XX3 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, fetus 3
27245. O69.5XX4 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, fetus 4
27246. O69.5XX5 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, fetus 5
27247. O69.5XX9 Labor and delivery comp by vascular lesion of cord, oth
27248. O69.8 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
27249. O69.81 Labor and delivery comp by cord around neck, w/o compression
27250. O69.81X 0 Labor and delivery complicated by cord around neck, without compression, not applicable or unspecified
27251. O69.81X0 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, unsp
27252. O69.81X1 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, fetus 1
27253. O69.81X2 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, fetus 2
27254. O69.81X3 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, fetus 3
27255. O69.81X4 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, fetus 4
27256. O69.81X5 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, fetus 5
27257. O69.81X9 Labor and del comp by cord around neck, w/o comprsn, oth
27258. O69.82 Labor and delivery comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn
27259. O69.82X 0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression, not applicable or unspecified
27260. O69.82X0 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, unsp
27261. O69.82X1 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, fts1
27262. O69.82X2 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, fts2
27263. O69.82X3 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, fts3
27264. O69.82X4 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, fts4
27265. O69.82X5 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, fts5
27266. O69.82X9 Labor and del comp by oth cord entangle, w/o comprsn, oth
27267. O69.89 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
27268. O69.89X 0 Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications, not applicable or unspecified
27269. O69.89X0 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, unsp
27270. O69.89X1 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, fetus 1
27271. O69.89X2 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, fetus 2
27272. O69.89X3 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, fetus 3
27273. O69.89X4 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, fetus 4
27274. O69.89X5 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, fetus 5
27275. O69.89X9 Labor and delivery complicated by oth cord comp, oth
27276. O69.9 Labor and delivery complicated by cord complication, unsp
27277. O69.9XX 0 Labor and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified, not applicable or unspecified
27278. O69.9XX0 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, unsp
27279. O69.9XX1 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, fetus 1
27280. O69.9XX2 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, fetus 2
27281. O69.9XX3 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, fetus 3
27282. O69.9XX4 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, fetus 4
27283. O69.9XX5 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, fetus 5
27284. O69.9XX9 Labor and delivery complicated by cord comp, unsp, oth
27285. O70 Perineal laceration during delivery
27286. O70.0 First degree perineal laceration during delivery
27287. O70.1 Second degree perineal laceration during delivery
27288. O70.2 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery
27289. O70.20 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, unsp
27290. O70.21 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIa
27291. O70.22 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIb
27292. O70.23 Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIc
27293. O70.3 Fourth degree perineal laceration during delivery
27294. O70.4 Anal sphincter tear comp del, not assoc w third degree lac
27295. O70.9 Perineal laceration during delivery, unspecified
27296. O71 Other obstetric trauma
27297. O71.0 Rupture of uterus (spontaneous) before onset of labor
27298. O71.00 Rupture of uterus before onset of labor, unsp trimester
27299. O71.02 Rupture of uterus before onset of labor, second trimester
27300. O71.03 Rupture of uterus before onset of labor, third trimester
27301. O71.1 Rupture of uterus during labor
27302. O71.2 Postpartum inversion of uterus
27303. O71.3 Obstetric laceration of cervix
27304. O71.4 Obstetric high vaginal laceration alone
27305. O71.5 Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
27306. O71.6 Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
27307. O71.7 Obstetric hematoma of pelvis
27308. O71.8 Other specified obstetric trauma
27309. O71.81 Laceration of uterus, not elsewhere classified
27310. O71.82 Other specified trauma to perineum and vulva
27311. O71.89 Other specified obstetric trauma
27312. O71.9 Obstetric trauma, unspecified
27313. O72 Postpartum hemorrhage
27314. O72.0 Third-stage hemorrhage
27315. O72.1 Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage
27316. O72.2 Delayed and secondary postpartum hemorrhage
27317. O72.3 Postpartum coagulation defects
27318. O73 Retained placenta and membranes, without hemorrhage
27319. O73.0 Retained placenta without hemorrhage
27320. O73.1 Retained portions of placenta and membranes, w/o hemorrhage
27321. O74 Complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
27322. O74.0 Aspirat pneumonitis due to anesth during labor and delivery
27323. O74.1 Oth pulmonary comp of anesthesia during labor and delivery
27324. O74.2 Cardiac comp of anesthesia during labor and delivery
27325. O74.3 Cnsl complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
27326. O74.4 Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during labor and delivery
27327. O74.5 Spinal and epidur anesthesia-induced hdache dur labr and del
27328. O74.6 Oth comp of spinal and epidural anesth during labor and del
27329. O74.7 Failed or difficult intubation for anesth dur labor and del
27330. O74.8 Other complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
27331. O74.9 Complication of anesthesia during labor and delivery, unsp
27332. O75 Oth complications of labor and delivery, NEC
27333. O75.0 Maternal distress during labor and delivery
27334. O75.1 Shock during or following labor and delivery
27335. O75.2 Pyrexia during labor, not elsewhere classified
27336. O75.3 Other infection during labor
27337. O75.4 Other complications of obstetric surgery and procedures
27338. O75.5 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes
27339. O75.8 Other specified complications of labor and delivery
27340. O75.81 Maternal exhaustion complicating labor and delivery
27341. O75.82 Onset labor 37-39 weeks, w del by (planned) cesarean section
27342. O75.89 Other specified complications of labor and delivery
27343. O75.9 Complication of labor and delivery, unspecified
27344. O76 Abnlt in fetal heart rate and rhythm comp labor and delivery
27345. O77 Other fetal stress complicating labor and delivery
27346. O77.0 Labor and delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid
27347. O77.1 Fetal stress in labor or delivery due to drug administration
27348. O77.8 Labor and delivery comp by oth evidence of fetal stress
27349. O77.9 Labor and delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecified
27350. O80 Encounter for full-term uncomplicated delivery
27351. O82 Encounter for cesarean delivery without indication
27352. O85 Puerperal sepsis
27353. O86 Other puerperal infections
27354. O86.0 Infection of obstetric surgical wound
27355. O86.00 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, unspecified
27356. O86.01 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, superficial incisional site
27357. O86.02 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, deep incisional site
27358. O86.03 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, organ and space site
27359. O86.04 Sepsis following an obstetrical procedure
27360. O86.09 Infection of obstetric surgical wound, other surgical site
27361. O86.1 Other infection of genital tract following delivery
27362. O86.11 Cervicitis following delivery
27363. O86.12 Endometritis following delivery
27364. O86.13 Vaginitis following delivery
27365. O86.19 Other infection of genital tract following delivery
27366. O86.2 Urinary tract infection following delivery
27367. O86.20 Urinary tract infection following delivery, unspecified
27368. O86.21 Infection of kidney following delivery
27369. O86.22 Infection of bladder following delivery
27370. O86.29 Other urinary tract infection following delivery
27371. O86.4 Pyrexia of unknown origin following delivery
27372. O86.8 Other specified puerperal infections
27373. O86.81 Puerperal septic thrombophlebitis
27374. O86.89 Other specified puerperal infections
27375. O87 Venous complications and hemorrhoids in the puerperium
27376. O87.0 Superficial thrombophlebitis in the puerperium
27377. O87.1 Deep phlebothrombosis in the puerperium
27378. O87.2 Hemorrhoids in the puerperium
27379. O87.3 Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium
27380. O87.4 Varicose veins of lower extremity in the puerperium
27381. O87.8 Other venous complications in the puerperium
27382. O87.9 Venous complication in the puerperium, unspecified
27383. O88 Obstetric embolism
27384. O88.0 Obstetric air embolism
27385. O88.01 Obstetric air embolism in pregnancy
27386. O88.011 Air embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
27387. O88.012 Air embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
27388. O88.013 Air embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
27389. O88.019 Air embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27390. O88.02 Air embolism in childbirth
27391. O88.03 Air embolism in the puerperium
27392. O88.1 Amniotic fluid embolism
27393. O88.11 Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy
27394. O88.111 Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
27395. O88.112 Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
27396. O88.113 Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
27397. O88.119 Amniotic fluid embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27398. O88.12 Amniotic fluid embolism in childbirth
27399. O88.13 Amniotic fluid embolism in the puerperium
27400. O88.2 Obstetric thromboembolism
27401. O88.21 Thromboembolism in pregnancy
27402. O88.211 Thromboembolism in pregnancy, first trimester
27403. O88.212 Thromboembolism in pregnancy, second trimester
27404. O88.213 Thromboembolism in pregnancy, third trimester
27405. O88.219 Thromboembolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27406. O88.22 Thromboembolism in childbirth
27407. O88.23 Thromboembolism in the puerperium
27408. O88.3 Obstetric pyemic and septic embolism
27409. O88.31 Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy
27410. O88.311 Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
27411. O88.312 Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
27412. O88.313 Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
27413. O88.319 Pyemic and septic embolism in pregnancy, unsp trimester
27414. O88.32 Pyemic and septic embolism in childbirth
27415. O88.33 Pyemic and septic embolism in the puerperium
27416. O88.8 Other obstetric embolism
27417. O88.81 Other embolism in pregnancy
27418. O88.811 Other embolism in pregnancy, first trimester
27419. O88.812 Other embolism in pregnancy, second trimester
27420. O88.813 Other embolism in pregnancy, third trimester
27421. O88.819 Other embolism in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27422. O88.82 Other embolism in childbirth
27423. O88.83 Other embolism in the puerperium
27424. O89 Complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
27425. O89.0 Pulmonary complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
27426. O89.01 Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesth during the puerperium
27427. O89.09 Oth pulmonary comp of anesthesia during the puerperium
27428. O89.1 Cardiac complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
27429. O89.2 Cnsl complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
27430. O89.3 Toxic reaction to local anesthesia during the puerperium
27431. O89.4 Spinal and epidur anesthesia-induced hdache during the puerp
27432. O89.5 Oth comp of spinal and epidural anesth during the puerperium
27433. O89.6 Failed or difficult intubation for anesth during the puerp
27434. O89.8 Other complications of anesthesia during the puerperium
27435. O89.9 Complication of anesthesia during the puerperium, unsp
27436. O90 Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
27437. O90.0 Disruption of cesarean delivery wound
27438. O90.1 Disruption of perineal obstetric wound
27439. O90.2 Hematoma of obstetric wound
27440. O90.3 Peripartum cardiomyopathy
27441. O90.4 Postpartum acute kidney failure
27442. O90.5 Postpartum thyroiditis
27443. O90.6 Postpartum mood disturbance
27444. O90.8 Oth complications of the puerperium, NEC
27445. O90.81 Anemia of the puerperium
27446. O90.89 Oth complications of the puerperium, NEC
27447. O90.9 Complication of the puerperium, unspecified
27448. O91 Infect of breast assoc w pregnancy, the puerp and lactation
27449. O91.0 Infct of nipple assoc w pregnancy, the puerp and lactation
27450. O91.01 Infection of nipple associated with pregnancy
27451. O91.011 Infection of nipple associated w pregnancy, first trimester
27452. O91.012 Infection of nipple associated w pregnancy, second trimester
27453. O91.013 Infection of nipple associated w pregnancy, third trimester
27454. O91.019 Infection of nipple associated w pregnancy, unsp trimester
27455. O91.02 Infection of nipple associated with the puerperium
27456. O91.03 Infection of nipple associated with lactation
27457. O91.1 Abscess of breast assoc w pregnancy, the puerp and lactation
27458. O91.11 Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy
27459. O91.111 Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, first trimester
27460. O91.112 Abscess of breast associated w pregnancy, second trimester
27461. O91.113 Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, third trimester
27462. O91.119 Abscess of breast associated with pregnancy, unsp trimester
27463. O91.12 Abscess of breast associated with the puerperium
27464. O91.13 Abscess of breast associated with lactation
27465. O91.2 Nonpurulent mastitis assoc w preg, the puerp and lactation
27466. O91.21 Nonpurulent mastitis associated with pregnancy
27467. O91.211 Nonpurulent mastitis associated w pregnancy, first trimester
27468. O91.212 Nonpurulent mastitis assoc w pregnancy, second trimester
27469. O91.213 Nonpurulent mastitis associated w pregnancy, third trimester
27470. O91.219 Nonpurulent mastitis associated w pregnancy, unsp trimester
27471. O91.22 Nonpurulent mastitis associated with the puerperium
27472. O91.23 Nonpurulent mastitis associated with lactation
27473. O92 Oth disord of brst/lactatn assoc w pregnancy and the puerp
27474. O92.0 Retracted nipple assoc w pregnancy, the puerp, and lactation
27475. O92.01 Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy
27476. O92.011 Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, first trimester
27477. O92.012 Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, second trimester
27478. O92.013 Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, third trimester
27479. O92.019 Retracted nipple associated with pregnancy, unsp trimester
27480. O92.02 Retracted nipple associated with the puerperium
27481. O92.03 Retracted nipple associated with lactation
27482. O92.1 Cracked nipple assoc w pregnancy, the puerp, and lactation
27483. O92.11 Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy
27484. O92.111 Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, first trimester
27485. O92.112 Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, second trimester
27486. O92.113 Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, third trimester
27487. O92.119 Cracked nipple associated with pregnancy, unsp trimester
27488. O92.12 Cracked nipple associated with the puerperium
27489. O92.13 Cracked nipple associated with lactation
27490. O92.2 Oth and unsp disord of breast assoc w preg and the puerp
27491. O92.20 Unsp disorder of breast assoc w pregnancy and the puerperium
27492. O92.29 Oth disorders of breast assoc w pregnancy and the puerperium
27493. O92.3 Agalactia
27494. O92.4 Hypogalactia
27495. O92.5 Suppressed lactation
27496. O92.6 Galactorrhea
27497. O92.7 Other and unspecified disorders of lactation
27498. O92.70 Unspecified disorders of lactation
27499. O92.79 Other disorders of lactation
27500. O94 Sequelae of comp of pregnancy, chldbrth, and the puerperium
27501. O98 Matern infec/parastc dis classd elsw but compl preg/chldbrth
27502. O98.0 Tuberculosis compl preg/chldbrth
27503. O98.01 Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy
27504. O98.011 Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27505. O98.012 Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27506. O98.013 Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27507. O98.019 Tuberculosis complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27508. O98.02 Tuberculosis complicating childbirth
27509. O98.03 Tuberculosis complicating the puerperium
27510. O98.1 Syphilis compl preg/chldbrth
27511. O98.11 Syphilis complicating pregnancy
27512. O98.111 Syphilis complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27513. O98.112 Syphilis complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27514. O98.113 Syphilis complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27515. O98.119 Syphilis complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27516. O98.12 Syphilis complicating childbirth
27517. O98.13 Syphilis complicating the puerperium
27518. O98.2 Gonorrhea compl preg/chldbrth
27519. O98.21 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy
27520. O98.211 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27521. O98.212 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27522. O98.213 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27523. O98.219 Gonorrhea complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27524. O98.22 Gonorrhea complicating childbirth
27525. O98.23 Gonorrhea complicating the puerperium
27526. O98.3 Oth infections w sexl mode of transmiss compl preg/chldbrth
27527. O98.31 Oth infections w sexl mode of transmiss comp pregnancy
27528. O98.311 Oth infect w sexl mode of transmiss comp preg, first tri
27529. O98.312 Oth infect w sexl mode of transmiss comp preg, second tri
27530. O98.313 Oth infect w sexl mode of transmiss comp preg, third tri
27531. O98.319 Oth infect w sexl mode of transmiss comp preg, unsp tri
27532. O98.32 Oth infections w sexl mode of transmiss comp childbirth
27533. O98.33 Oth infections w sexl mode of transmiss comp the puerperium
27534. O98.4 Viral hepatitis compl preg/chldbrth
27535. O98.41 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy
27536. O98.411 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27537. O98.412 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27538. O98.413 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27539. O98.419 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27540. O98.42 Viral hepatitis complicating childbirth
27541. O98.43 Viral hepatitis complicating the puerperium
27542. O98.5 Oth viral diseases compl preg/chldbrth
27543. O98.51 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy
27544. O98.511 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27545. O98.512 Oth viral diseases complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27546. O98.513 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27547. O98.519 Other viral diseases complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27548. O98.52 Other viral diseases complicating childbirth
27549. O98.53 Other viral diseases complicating the puerperium
27550. O98.6 Protozoal diseases compl preg/chldbrth
27551. O98.61 Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy
27552. O98.611 Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27553. O98.612 Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27554. O98.613 Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27555. O98.619 Protozoal diseases complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27556. O98.62 Protozoal diseases complicating childbirth
27557. O98.63 Protozoal diseases complicating the puerperium
27558. O98.7 Human immunodeficiency virus disease compl preg/chldbrth
27559. O98.71 Human immunodeficiency virus disease complicating pregnancy
27560. O98.711 Human immunodef virus disease comp preg, first trimester
27561. O98.712 Human immunodef virus disease comp preg, second trimester
27562. O98.713 Human immunodef virus disease comp preg, third trimester
27563. O98.719 Human immunodef virus disease comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27564. O98.72 Human immunodeficiency virus disease complicating childbirth
27565. O98.73 Human immunodef virus disease complicating the puerperium
27566. O98.8 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases compl preg/chldbrth
27567. O98.81 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases complicating pregnancy
27568. O98.811 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases comp preg, first tri
27569. O98.812 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases comp preg, second tri
27570. O98.813 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases comp preg, third tri
27571. O98.819 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases comp preg, unsp tri
27572. O98.82 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases complicating childbirth
27573. O98.83 Oth maternal infec/parastc diseases comp the puerperium
27574. O98.9 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease compl preg/chldbrth
27575. O98.91 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease complicating pregnancy
27576. O98.911 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease comp preg, first tri
27577. O98.912 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease comp preg, second tri
27578. O98.913 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease comp preg, third tri
27579. O98.919 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease comp preg, unsp tri
27580. O98.92 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease complicating childbirth
27581. O98.93 Unsp maternal infec/parastc disease comp the puerperium
27582. O99 Oth maternal diseases classd elsw but compl preg/chldbrth
27583. O99.0 Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
27584. O99.01 Anemia complicating pregnancy
27585. O99.011 Anemia complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27586. O99.012 Anemia complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27587. O99.013 Anemia complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27588. O99.019 Anemia complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27589. O99.02 Anemia complicating childbirth
27590. O99.03 Anemia complicating the puerperium
27591. O99.1 Other dis blood/immune compl preg/childbrth
27592. O99.11 Oth diseases of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp preg
27593. O99.111 Oth dis of bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp preg, 1st tri
27594. O99.112 Oth dis of bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp preg, 2nd tri
27595. O99.113 Oth dis of bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp preg, 3rd tri
27596. O99.119 Oth dis of bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp preg,unsp tri
27597. O99.12 Oth dis of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp chldbrth
27598. O99.13 Oth dis of the bld/bld-form org/immun mechnsm comp the puerp
27599. O99.2 Endo, nutritional and metabolic diseases compl preg/chldbrth
27600. O99.21 Obesity comp pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
27601. O99.210 Obesity complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27602. O99.211 Obesity complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27603. O99.212 Obesity complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27604. O99.213 Obesity complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27605. O99.214 Obesity complicating childbirth
27606. O99.215 Obesity complicating the puerperium
27607. O99.28 Oth endo, nutritional and metab diseases compl preg/chldbrth
27608. O99.280 Endo, nutritional and metab diseases comp preg, unsp tri
27609. O99.281 Endo, nutritional and metab diseases comp preg, first tri
27610. O99.282 Endo, nutritional and metab diseases comp preg, second tri
27611. O99.283 Endo, nutritional and metab diseases comp preg, third tri
27612. O99.284 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases comp chldbrth
27613. O99.285 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases comp the puerp
27614. O99.3 Mental disord and dis of the nervous sys compl preg/chldbrth
27615. O99.31 Alcohol use comp pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
27616. O99.310 Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27617. O99.311 Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27618. O99.312 Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27619. O99.313 Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27620. O99.314 Alcohol use complicating childbirth
27621. O99.315 Alcohol use complicating the puerperium
27622. O99.32 Drug use comp pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
27623. O99.320 Drug use complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27624. O99.321 Drug use complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27625. O99.322 Drug use complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27626. O99.323 Drug use complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27627. O99.324 Drug use complicating childbirth
27628. O99.325 Drug use complicating the puerperium
27629. O99.33 Smoking (tobacco) comp pregnancy, chldbrth, and the puerp
27630. O99.330 Smoking (tobacco) complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27631. O99.331 Smoking (tobacco) complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27632. O99.332 Smoking (tobacco) complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27633. O99.333 Smoking (tobacco) complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27634. O99.334 Smoking (tobacco) complicating childbirth
27635. O99.335 Smoking (tobacco) complicating the puerperium
27636. O99.34 Oth mental disorders comp pregnancy, chldbrth, and the puerp
27637. O99.340 Oth mental disorders complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27638. O99.341 Oth mental disorders complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27639. O99.342 Oth mental disorders comp pregnancy, second trimester
27640. O99.343 Oth mental disorders complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27641. O99.344 Other mental disorders complicating childbirth
27642. O99.345 Other mental disorders complicating the puerperium
27643. O99.35 Dis of the nervous sys comp preg, chldbrth, and the puerp
27644. O99.350 Diseases of the nervous sys comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27645. O99.351 Diseases of the nervous sys comp pregnancy, first trimester
27646. O99.352 Diseases of the nervous sys comp pregnancy, second trimester
27647. O99.353 Diseases of the nervous sys comp pregnancy, third trimester
27648. O99.354 Diseases of the nervous system complicating childbirth
27649. O99.355 Diseases of the nervous system complicating the puerperium
27650. O99.4 Diseases of the circulatory system compl preg/chldbrth
27651. O99.41 Diseases of the circulatory system complicating pregnancy
27652. O99.411 Diseases of the circ sys comp pregnancy, first trimester
27653. O99.412 Diseases of the circ sys comp pregnancy, second trimester
27654. O99.413 Diseases of the circ sys comp pregnancy, third trimester
27655. O99.419 Diseases of the circ sys comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27656. O99.42 Diseases of the circulatory system complicating childbirth
27657. O99.43 Diseases of the circ sys complicating the puerperium
27658. O99.5 Diseases of the respiratory system compl preg/chldbrth
27659. O99.51 Diseases of the respiratory system complicating pregnancy
27660. O99.511 Diseases of the resp sys comp pregnancy, first trimester
27661. O99.512 Diseases of the resp sys comp pregnancy, second trimester
27662. O99.513 Diseases of the resp sys comp pregnancy, third trimester
27663. O99.519 Diseases of the resp sys comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27664. O99.52 Diseases of the respiratory system complicating childbirth
27665. O99.53 Diseases of the resp sys complicating the puerperium
27666. O99.6 Diseases of the digestive system compl preg/chldbrth
27667. O99.61 Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy
27668. O99.611 Diseases of the dgstv sys comp pregnancy, first trimester
27669. O99.612 Diseases of the dgstv sys comp pregnancy, second trimester
27670. O99.613 Diseases of the dgstv sys comp pregnancy, third trimester
27671. O99.619 Diseases of the dgstv sys comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27672. O99.62 Diseases of the digestive system complicating childbirth
27673. O99.63 Diseases of the digestive system complicating the puerperium
27674. O99.7 Diseases of the skin, subcu compl preg/chldbrth
27675. O99.71 Diseases of the skin, subcu complicating pregnancy
27676. O99.711 Diseases of the skin, subcu comp pregnancy, first trimester
27677. O99.712 Diseases of the skin, subcu comp pregnancy, second trimester
27678. O99.713 Diseases of the skin, subcu comp pregnancy, third trimester
27679. O99.719 Diseases of the skin, subcu comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27680. O99.72 Diseases of the skin, subcu complicating childbirth
27681. O99.73 Diseases of the skin, subcu complicating the puerperium
27682. O99.8 Oth diseases and conditions compl preg/chldbrth
27683. O99.81 Abnormal glucose compl preg/chldbrth
27684. O99.810 Abnormal glucose complicating pregnancy
27685. O99.814 Abnormal glucose complicating childbirth
27686. O99.815 Abnormal glucose complicating the puerperium
27687. O99.82 Streptococcus B carrier state compl preg/chldbrth
27688. O99.820 Streptococcus B carrier state complicating pregnancy
27689. O99.824 Streptococcus B carrier state complicating childbirth
27690. O99.825 Streptococcus B carrier state complicating the puerperium
27691. O99.83 Oth infection carrier state compl preg/chldbrth
27692. O99.830 Other infection carrier state complicating pregnancy
27693. O99.834 Other infection carrier state complicating childbirth
27694. O99.835 Other infection carrier state complicating the puerperium
27695. O99.84 Bariatric surgery status compl preg/chldbrth
27696. O99.840 Bariatric surgery status comp pregnancy, unsp trimester
27697. O99.841 Bariatric surgery status comp pregnancy, first trimester
27698. O99.842 Bariatric surgery status comp pregnancy, second trimester
27699. O99.843 Bariatric surgery status comp pregnancy, third trimester
27700. O99.844 Bariatric surgery status complicating childbirth
27701. O99.845 Bariatric surgery status complicating the puerperium
27702. O99.89 Oth diseases and conditions compl preg/chldbrth
27703. O99.891 Other specified diseases and conditions complicating pregnancy
27704. O99.892 Other specified diseases and conditions complicating childbirth
27705. O99.893 Other specified diseases and conditions complicating puerperium
27706. O9A Maternl malig or injury compl preg/childbrth
27707. O9A.1 Malignant neoplasm compl preg/chldbrth
27708. O9A.11 Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy
27709. O9A.111 Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27710. O9A.112 Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27711. O9A.113 Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27712. O9A.119 Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27713. O9A.12 Malignant neoplasm complicating childbirth
27714. O9A.13 Malignant neoplasm complicating the puerperium
27715. O9A.2 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes compl preg/chldbrth
27716. O9A.21 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp pregnancy
27717. O9A.211 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp preg, first tri
27718. O9A.212 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of extrn causes comp preg, second tri
27719. O9A.213 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp preg, third tri
27720. O9A.219 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp preg, unsp tri
27721. O9A.22 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp childbirth
27722. O9A.23 Inj/poisn/oth conseq of external causes comp the puerperium
27723. O9A.3 Physical abuse compl preg/chldbrth
27724. O9A.31 Physical abuse complicating pregnancy
27725. O9A.311 Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27726. O9A.312 Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27727. O9A.313 Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27728. O9A.319 Physical abuse complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27729. O9A.32 Physical abuse complicating childbirth
27730. O9A.33 Physical abuse complicating the puerperium
27731. O9A.4 Sexual abuse compl preg/chldbrth
27732. O9A.41 Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy
27733. O9A.411 Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27734. O9A.412 Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27735. O9A.413 Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27736. O9A.419 Sexual abuse complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
27737. O9A.42 Sexual abuse complicating childbirth
27738. O9A.43 Sexual abuse complicating the puerperium
27739. O9A.5 Psychological abuse compl preg/chldbrth
27740. O9A.51 Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy
27741. O9A.511 Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, first trimester
27742. O9A.512 Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, second trimester
27743. O9A.513 Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, third trimester
27744. O9A.519 Psychological abuse complicating pregnancy, unsp trimester
27745. O9A.52 Psychological abuse complicating childbirth
27746. O9A.53 Psychological abuse complicating the puerperium
27747. P00 NB aff by matern cond that may be unrelated to present preg
27748. P00.0 Newborn affected by maternal hypertensive disorders
27749. P00.1 Newborn aff by maternal renal and urinary tract diseases
27750. P00.2 Newborn affected by maternal infec/parastc diseases
27751. P00.3 Newborn affected by oth maternal circ and resp diseases
27752. P00.4 Newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders
27753. P00.5 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by maternal injury
27754. P00.6 Newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother
27755. P00.7 Newborn affected by oth medical procedures on mother, NEC
27756. P00.8 Newborn affected by oth maternal conditions
27757. P00.81 Newborn affected by periodontal disease in mother
27758. P00.82 Newborn affected by (positive) maternal group B streptococcus (GBS) colonization
27759. P00.89 Newborn affected by oth maternal conditions
27760. P00.9 Newborn affected by unsp maternal condition
27761. P01 Newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
27762. P01.0 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by incompetent cervix
27763. P01.1 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by premature ROM
27764. P01.2 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by oligohydramnios
27765. P01.3 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by polyhydramnios
27766. P01.4 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by ectopic pregnancy
27767. P01.5 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by multiple pregnancy
27768. P01.6 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by maternal death
27769. P01.7 Newborn affected by malpresentation before labor
27770. P01.8 Newborn affected by oth maternal complications of pregnancy
27771. P01.9 Newborn affected by maternal complication of pregnancy, unsp
27772. P02 Newborn affected by comp of placenta, cord and membranes
27773. P02.0 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by placenta previa
27774. P02.1 Newborn affected by oth placental separation and hemorrhage
27775. P02.2 NB aff by oth and unsp morpholog and functn abnlt of plcnta
27776. P02.20 Newborn aff by unsp morpholog and functn abnlt of placenta
27777. P02.29 Newborn aff by oth morpholog and functn abnlt of placenta
27778. P02.3 Newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes
27779. P02.4 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by prolapsed cord
27780. P02.5 Newborn affected by oth compression of umbilical cord
27781. P02.6 Newborn affected by oth and unsp cond of umbilical cord
27782. P02.60 Newborn affected by unsp conditions of umbilical cord
27783. P02.69 Newborn affected by oth conditions of umbilical cord
27784. P02.7 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by chorioamnionitis
27785. P02.70 Newborn affected by fetal inflammatory response syndrome
27786. P02.78 Newborn affected by other conditions from chorioamnionitis
27787. P02.8 Newborn affected by oth abnormalities of membranes
27788. P02.9 Newborn affected by abnormality of membranes, unsp
27789. P03 Newborn affected by oth complications of labor and delivery
27790. P03.0 Newborn affected by breech delivery and extraction
27791. P03.1 NB aff by oth malpresent, malpos & disproprtn dur labr & del
27792. P03.2 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by forceps delivery
27793. P03.3 Newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor
27794. P03.4 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by Cesarean delivery
27795. P03.5 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by precipitate delivery
27796. P03.6 Newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions
27797. P03.8 Newborn affected by oth complications of labor and delivery
27798. P03.81 Newborn affected by abnlt in fetal heart rate or rhythm
27799. P03.810 NB aff by abnlt in fetl heart rate or rhythm bef onset labor
27800. P03.811 NB aff by abnlt in fetal heart rate or rhythm during labor
27801. P03.819 NB aff by abnlt in fetl hrt rate or rhythm, unsp time onset
27802. P03.82 Meconium passage during delivery
27803. P03.89 Newborn affected by oth complications of labor and delivery
27804. P03.9 Newborn affected by complication of labor and delivery, unsp
27805. P04 NB aff by noxious substnc transmitd via plcnta or brst milk
27806. P04.0 NB aff by matern anesth and analgesia in preg, labor and del
27807. P04.1 Newborn affected by oth maternal medication
27808. P04.11 Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy
27809. P04.12 Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs
27810. P04.13 Newborn affected by maternal use of anticonvulsants
27811. P04.14 Newborn affected by maternal use of opiates
27812. P04.15 Newborn affected by maternal use of antidepressants
27813. P04.16 Newborn affected by maternal use of amphetamines
27814. P04.17 Newborn affected by maternal use of sedative-hypnotics
27815. P04.18 Newborn affected by other maternal medication
27816. P04.19 Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified medication
27817. P04.1A Newborn affected by maternal use of anxiolytics
27818. P04.2 Newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco
27819. P04.3 Newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol
27820. P04.4 Newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction
27821. P04.40 Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified drugs of addiction
27822. P04.41 Newborn affected by maternal use of cocaine
27823. P04.42 Newborn affected by maternal use of hallucinogens
27824. P04.49 Newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction
27825. P04.5 Newborn aff by maternal use of nutritional chemical substnc
27826. P04.6 Newborn aff by maternal exposure to environ chemical substnc
27827. P04.8 Newborn affected by oth maternal noxious substances
27828. P04.81 Newborn affected by maternal use of cannabis
27829. P04.89 Newborn affected by other maternal noxious substances
27830. P04.9 Newborn affected by maternal noxious substance, unsp
27831. P05 Disord of NB related to slow fetal growth and fetal malnut
27832. P05.0 Newborn light for gestational age
27833. P05.00 Newborn light for gestational age, unspecified weight
27834. P05.01 Newborn light for gestational age, less than 500 grams
27835. P05.02 Newborn light for gestational age, 500-749 grams
27836. P05.03 Newborn light for gestational age, 750-999 grams
27837. P05.04 Newborn light for gestational age, 1000-1249 grams
27838. P05.05 Newborn light for gestational age, 1250-1499 grams
27839. P05.06 Newborn light for gestational age, 1500-1749 grams
27840. P05.07 Newborn light for gestational age, 1750-1999 grams
27841. P05.08 Newborn light for gestational age, 2000-2499 grams
27842. P05.09 Newborn light for gestational age, 2500 grams and over
27843. P05.1 Newborn small for gestational age
27844. P05.10 Newborn small for gestational age, unspecified weight
27845. P05.11 Newborn small for gestational age, less than 500 grams
27846. P05.12 Newborn small for gestational age, 500-749 grams
27847. P05.13 Newborn small for gestational age, 750-999 grams
27848. P05.14 Newborn small for gestational age, 1000-1249 grams
27849. P05.15 Newborn small for gestational age, 1250-1499 grams
27850. P05.16 Newborn small for gestational age, 1500-1749 grams
27851. P05.17 Newborn small for gestational age, 1750-1999 grams
27852. P05.18 Newborn small for gestational age, 2000-2499 grams
27853. P05.19 Newborn small for gestational age, other
27854. P05.2 NB aff by fetal malnut not light or small for gestatnl age
27855. P05.9 Newborn affected by slow intrauterine growth, unspecified
27856. P07 Disord of NB related to short gest and low birth weight, NEC
27857. P07.0 Extremely low birth weight newborn
27858. P07.00 Extremely low birth weight newborn, unspecified weight
27859. P07.01 Extremely low birth weight newborn, less than 500 grams
27860. P07.02 Extremely low birth weight newborn, 500-749 grams
27861. P07.03 Extremely low birth weight newborn, 750-999 grams
27862. P07.1 Other low birth weight newborn
27863. P07.10 Other low birth weight newborn, unspecified weight
27864. P07.14 Other low birth weight newborn, 1000-1249 grams
27865. P07.15 Other low birth weight newborn, 1250-1499 grams
27866. P07.16 Other low birth weight newborn, 1500-1749 grams
27867. P07.17 Other low birth weight newborn, 1750-1999 grams
27868. P07.18 Other low birth weight newborn, 2000-2499 grams
27869. P07.2 Extreme immaturity of newborn
27870. P07.20 Extreme immaturity of newborn, unsp weeks of gestation
27871. P07.21 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age < 23 completed weeks
27872. P07.22 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age 23 completed weeks
27873. P07.23 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age 24 completed weeks
27874. P07.24 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age 25 completed weeks
27875. P07.25 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age 26 completed weeks
27876. P07.26 Extreme immaturity of NB, gestatnl age 27 completed weeks
27877. P07.3 Preterm [premature] newborn [other]
27878. P07.30 Preterm newborn, unspecified weeks of gestation
27879. P07.31 Preterm newborn, gestational age 28 completed weeks
27880. P07.32 Preterm newborn, gestational age 29 completed weeks
27881. P07.33 Preterm newborn, gestational age 30 completed weeks
27882. P07.34 Preterm newborn, gestational age 31 completed weeks
27883. P07.35 Preterm newborn, gestational age 32 completed weeks
27884. P07.36 Preterm newborn, gestational age 33 completed weeks
27885. P07.37 Preterm newborn, gestational age 34 completed weeks
27886. P07.38 Preterm newborn, gestational age 35 completed weeks
27887. P07.39 Preterm newborn, gestational age 36 completed weeks
27888. P08 Disord of newborn related to long gest and high birth weight
27889. P08.0 Exceptionally large newborn baby
27890. P08.1 Other heavy for gestational age newborn
27891. P08.2 Late newborn, not heavy for gestational age
27892. P08.21 Post-term newborn
27893. P08.22 Prolonged gestation of newborn
27894. P09 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening
27895. P09.1 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for inborn errors of metabolism
27896. P09.2 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for congenital endocrine disease
27897. P09.3 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for congenital hematologic disorders
27898. P09.4 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis
27899. P09.5 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for critical congenital heart disease
27900. P09.6 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening for neonatal hearing loss
27901. P09.8 Other abnormal findings on neonatal screening
27902. P09.9 Abnormal findings on neonatal screening unspecified
27903. P10 Intracranial laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury
27904. P10.0 Subdural hemorrhage due to birth injury
27905. P10.1 Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth injury
27906. P10.2 Intraventricular hemorrhage due to birth injury
27907. P10.3 Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to birth injury
27908. P10.4 Tentorial tear due to birth injury
27909. P10.8 Oth intcrn lacerations and hemorrhages due to birth injury
27910. P10.9 Unsp intcrn laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury
27911. P11 Other birth injuries to central nervous system
27912. P11.0 Cerebral edema due to birth injury
27913. P11.1 Other specified brain damage due to birth injury
27914. P11.2 Unspecified brain damage due to birth injury
27915. P11.3 Birth injury to facial nerve
27916. P11.4 Birth injury to other cranial nerves
27917. P11.5 Birth injury to spine and spinal cord
27918. P11.9 Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified
27919. P12 Birth injury to scalp
27920. P12.0 Cephalhematoma due to birth injury
27921. P12.1 Chignon (from vacuum extraction) due to birth injury
27922. P12.2 Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage due to birth injury
27923. P12.3 Bruising of scalp due to birth injury
27924. P12.4 Injury of scalp of newborn due to monitoring equipment
27925. P12.8 Other birth injuries to scalp
27926. P12.81 Caput succedaneum
27927. P12.89 Other birth injuries to scalp
27928. P12.9 Birth injury to scalp, unspecified
27929. P13 Birth injury to skeleton
27930. P13.0 Fracture of skull due to birth injury
27931. P13.1 Other birth injuries to skull
27932. P13.2 Birth injury to femur
27933. P13.3 Birth injury to other long bones
27934. P13.4 Fracture of clavicle due to birth injury
27935. P13.8 Birth injuries to other parts of skeleton
27936. P13.9 Birth injury to skeleton, unspecified
27937. P14 Birth injury to peripheral nervous system
27938. P14.0 Erb's paralysis due to birth injury
27939. P14.1 Klumpke's paralysis due to birth injury
27940. P14.2 Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury
27941. P14.3 Other brachial plexus birth injuries
27942. P14.8 Birth injuries to other parts of peripheral nervous system
27943. P14.9 Birth injury to peripheral nervous system, unspecified
27944. P15 Other birth injuries
27945. P15.0 Birth injury to liver
27946. P15.1 Birth injury to spleen
27947. P15.2 Sternomastoid injury due to birth injury
27948. P15.3 Birth injury to eye
27949. P15.4 Birth injury to face
27950. P15.5 Birth injury to external genitalia
27951. P15.6 Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury
27952. P15.8 Other specified birth injuries
27953. P15.9 Birth injury, unspecified
27954. P19 Metabolic acidemia in newborn
27955. P19.0 Metabolic acidemia in newborn first noted before onset labor
27956. P19.1 Metabolic acidemia in newborn first noted during labor
27957. P19.2 Metabolic acidemia noted at birth
27958. P19.9 Metabolic acidemia, unspecified
27959. P21.0 Severe birth asphyxia
27960. P21.1 Mild and moderate birth asphyxia
27961. P21.9 Birth asphyxia, unspecified
27962. P22 Respiratory distress of newborn
27963. P22.0 Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn
27964. P22.1 Transient tachypnea of newborn
27965. P22.8 Other respiratory distress of newborn
27966. P22.9 Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified
27967. P23 Congenital pneumonia
27968. P23.0 Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent
27969. P23.1 Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia
27970. P23.2 Congenital pneumonia due to staphylococcus
27971. P23.3 Congenital pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B
27972. P23.4 Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
27973. P23.5 Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
27974. P23.6 Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents
27975. P23.8 Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms
27976. P23.9 Congenital pneumonia, unspecified
27977. P24 Neonatal aspiration
27978. P24.0 Meconium aspiration
27979. P24.00 Meconium aspiration without respiratory symptoms
27980. P24.01 Meconium aspiration with respiratory symptoms
27981. P24.1 Neonatal aspiration of (clear) amniotic fluid and mucus
27982. P24.10 Neonatal aspirat of amnio fluid and mucus w/o resp symp
27983. P24.11 Neonatal aspirat of amnio fluid and mucus w resp symp
27984. P24.2 Neonatal aspiration of blood
27985. P24.20 Neonatal aspiration of blood without respiratory symptoms
27986. P24.21 Neonatal aspiration of blood with respiratory symptoms
27987. P24.3 Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated food
27988. P24.30 Neonatal aspirat of milk and regurgitated food w/o resp symp
27989. P24.31 Neonatal aspirat of milk and regurgitated food w resp symp
27990. P24.8 Other neonatal aspiration
27991. P24.80 Other neonatal aspiration without respiratory symptoms
27992. P24.81 Other neonatal aspiration with respiratory symptoms
27993. P24.9 Neonatal aspiration, unspecified
27994. P25 Interstit emphysema and rel cond origin in perinat period
27995. P25.0 Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period
27996. P25.1 Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period
27997. P25.2 Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period
27998. P25.3 Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period
27999. P25.8 Oth cond rel to interstit emphysema origin in perinat period
28000. P26 Pulmonary hemorrhage originating in the perinatal period
Total Records: 98842

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