COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium

ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium) is a prospective/retrospective multi-center short period incidence observational study of intensive care unit patients with COVID-19. This study is being led by Asia Pacific ELSO leaders, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, and John Fraser in collaboration with ELSO, ISARIC (, SPRINT-SARI (, and > 30 worldwide centers.
The study’s Aim and Objectives are to describe clinical features, the severity of pulmonary dysfunction, ECMO technical characteristics, duration of ECMO, complications, and survival of patients with COVID-19. The study period will comprise a 28-day cohort study in which patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection, who are newly admitted to the hospitals/ICUs at participating sites, will be included in the study. The study will be conducted in all collaborating hospitals/ICU-based research networks globally. All clinical information and sample data will only be recorded if taken as part of the routine clinical practice at each site and only fully anonymized and de-identified data will be submitted centrally.
For additional information or to participate in the study, please contact
Additional info or to participate in a study
As the new chair of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), John Fraser, MBChB, PhD, began talking with the group’s members last November about why influenza affects some people worse than others, so much so that they require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Maybe 10 people, representing a minority of the chapter’s 46 member institutions, said they were interested in exploring that question, Fraser recalled a few months later.
Global Effort to Collect Data on Ventilated Patients With COVID-19, May 13, 2020 from JAMA

COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Trial Documents
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Protocol Version 1.2.8
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Study Summary
ISARIC WHO nCoV CORE CRF, 23 April 2020
ECMOCARD CRF, Version 1.2.8, 22 July 2020
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Data Entry
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Ethics Approval Certificate
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Ethics Template
ISARIC nCoV - ECMOCARD CRF Completion Guide 22 July 2020
COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Ethics Letter of Support
ELSO Data Sharing Agreement Template
ISARIC Data Platform Terms of Data Submission
ECMOCARD Data FAQs 22 July 2020
Letter of Endorsement