Thank you for helping ELSO disseminate information by entering your experience in the ELSO Registry as soon as ECMO is implanted - before the run is complete. Instructions for entering data in the Registry and COVID-19 addendum can be found on the Data Definitions page.

We recognize you cannot complete and submit the entire ELSO Registry case report form prior to completion of the ECMO run and discharge from the hospital, but we would still like to have the data you know now.

To address concerns about incomplete data we report three nested data sets to accommodate the fact that different patients will be at different stages of care (and thus have more or less incomplete data). Also when considering the data please understand that the data displayed is a real-time data stream and subject to change as more patient information is accrued and as centers update the ELSO Registry Case Report Form and the ELSO COVID-19 addendum.

COVID-19 Cases on ECMO in the ELSO Registry

Total COVID-19 Cases COVID-19
Confirmed Cases
Total counts of COVID-19 confirmed patients.

COVID-19 ECMO counts by ELSO Chapter

Still on ECMO Still Hospitalized at ELSO Center Total (n)
All ELSO 313 602 17,764
          North America 71 112 11,221
          Europe 127 180 3,530
          Asia Pacific 38 90 571
          Latin America 55 173 1,253
          SWAAC 22 47 1,189
Reports counts of ECMO-supported suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases by ELSO Chapter

Filters affect the data shown in the tables below:

Year To Date


Patient Age

Patients who initiated ECMO at
least 90 days ago
In-hospital Mortality


Pre-ECMO Patient Factors

Patient-level summaries of COVID ECMO runs. All categorical variables are given as 'percentage (count)'
Total ARDS Cohort
Number cases 16303 12024
Median(IQR) 47(37,56) 48(38,56)
# observed 16303 12024
BMI, kg/m2
Median(IQR) 32(27,37) 32(28,38)
# observed 15120 11124
Male 68%(11110) 69%(8347)
Female 32%(5189) 31%(3674)
# observed 16299 12021
Black 11%(1717) 10%(1211)
White (Non-Hispanic) 44%(7196) 44%(5240)
Asian 9%(1429) 8%(989)
Mid East, N African 4%(704) 5%(578)
Other 3%(466) 3%(344)
Unknown 5%(791) 5%(605)
Multiple 5%(832) 6%(690)
Hispanic 19%(3168) 20%(2367)
# observed 16303 12024
Pre-ECMO Comorbidities
No comorbidity 26%(4226) 25%(2946)
Cancer 2%(312) 2%(214)
Pregnancy 4%(645) 4%(490)
Immunocompromised 5%(834) 5%(613)
Diabetes 23%(3786) 24%(2899)
Pre-existing heart disease 4%(712) 3%(345)
Pre-existing lung disease 4%(655) 4%(479)
Pre-existing renal insuff. 3%(508) 3%(346)
Frailty 1%(146) 1%(83)
Asthma 10%(1638) 10%(1246)
BMI $> 30 \mathrm{kg}/\mathrm{m}^2$ 48%(7877) 51%(6134)
Hypertension 31%(4984) 32%(3819)
# observed 16303 12024
Acute illness
ARDS 78%(12753) 100%(12024)
Acute heart failure 9%(1440) 5%(613)
Myocarditis 2%(406) 1%(66)
Acute kidney injury 26%(4286) 27%(3222)
# observed 16303 12024
Pre-ECMO Cardiac Arrest
Yes 7%(1109) 3%(365)
No 93%(15062) 97%(11556)
# observed 16171 11921
Pre-ECMO Co-Infection
No Co-infection 49%(7972) 46%(5542)
Bacterial pneumonia 44%(7150) 47%(5708)
Co-viral infection 9%(1538) 9%(1082)
Blood stream infection 18%(2913) 19%(2283)
Urinary tract infection 7%(1214) 8%(1009)
# observed 16301 12022

Pre-ECMO Interventions

Support and therapies. All categorical variables are given as 'percentage (count)'
Number cases 16303 12024
Noninvasive ventilation
Noninvasive ventilation prior to intubation 75%(12274) 80%(9584)
BiPAP 37%(6081) 41%(4890)
CPAP 12%(2029) 12%(1437)
HFNC 51%(8249) 55%(6591)
# observed 16303 12024
Pre-ECLS intubation (days)
Median(IQR) 2.8(0.7,5.9) 3.2(1.0,6.2)
# observed 13508 10026
Ventilator mode
Conventional 96%(13191) 97%(10086)
# observed 13796 10413
PEEP, cm H2O
Median(IQR) 14.0(10.0,16.0) 14.0(10.0,16.0)
# observed 12235 9394
PIP, cm H2O
Median(IQR) 33.0(29.0,38.0) 34.0(30.0,38.0)
# observed 9787 7445
Median(IQR) 1.00(0.95,1.00) 1.00(1.00,1.00)
# observed 12141 9177
Median(IQR) 70(57,92) 70(57,89)
# observed 11864 8977
Median(IQR) 60(49,74) 61(51,75)
# observed 12628 9498
Pre-ECMO Support
Prone positioning 50%(8203) 55%(6628)
# observed 16249 11992
Neuromuscular blockers 66%(10805) 71%(8559)
# observed 16252 11991
Inhaled pulmonary vasodilators 28%(4477) 30%(3633)
# observed 16249 11992
Any vasoactive support 57%(9313) 56%(6689)
# observed 16247 11985
Norepinephrine 51%(8232) 51%(6082)
# observed 16247 11985
Therapies, Immunomodulators
Any therapy 86%(14073) 90%(10792)
Glucocorticoids 77%(12626) 81%(9745)
IVIG 3%(460) 2%(241)
Anti-cytokine 21%(3450) 24%(2832)
Lopinavir/Ritonavir 2%(281) 2%(229)
JAK inhibition 4%(578) 4%(488)
Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine 6%(1026) 7%(833)
Remdesivir 48%(7789) 51%(6160)
# observed 16303 12024
Support type
Respiratory 92%(14996) 100%(11997)
Cardiac 6%(993) 0%(12)
ECPR 2%(314) 0%(15)
# observed 16303 12024

Patient Status & Complications

Total ARDS Cohort
Last known patient status
Discharged alive to home or acute rehabilitation 27%(4326) 26%(3094)
Discharged alive to long-term acute care or unspecified location 12%(1886) 13%(1511)
Discharged to another hospital 12%(1900) 11%(1323)
Remain in the hospital (discharged from ICU) 0%(6) 0%(3)
Remain in the ICU 0%(29) 0%(21)
In-hospital death 50%(8156) 50%(6072)
Tracheostomy 46%(6755) 50%(5499)
# observed 14795 10916
Select complications
Seizures 1%(126) 1%(88)
# observed 16273 11997
CNS infarction by US/CT/MRI 2%(277) 1%(162)
# observed 16273 11997
CNS hemorrhage by US/CT/MRI 6%(1025) 7%(801)
# observed 16273 11997
Hemolysis 7%(1179) 8%(903)
# observed 16273 11997
Oxygenator failure 21%(3363) 23%(2782)
# observed 16273 11997
Pump failure 2%(332) 2%(263)
# observed 16273 11997
Circuit change 11%(1754) 12%(1400)
# observed 16273 11997
Thrombosis/Clots in circuit component 3%(534) 4%(427)
# observed 16273 11997
Discharge location
Home 32%(2559) 31%(1824)
Transfer to LTAC or Rehab
Transfer to another hospital 23%(1900) 22%(1323)
Other/Unknown 6%(453) 5%(315)
*N/A - Data elements with n<5 are not displayed.