Media Tool Kit

ELSO recognized Centers of Excellence or Centers on the Path to Excellence have the right to utilize the logo appropriate for the level Award achieved. It may be used in accordance with the guidelines provided in this document – on letterhead, brochures, and for publicity activities relating to the program within the designated organization.


The logos should only be used in a manner that represents the intent of the ELSO Award for Excellence in Life Support.

The ELSO Award Logo must be used in accordance with these rules:

• The logos are available in four formats – jpg, png, eps, ai

• All lettering inside the logo must be legible when the symbol is used on materials

• If the words are not legible, please increase the size of the logo

• The logos are trademarked and may not be altered or modified. It may be resized, provided the proportions of the entire logo are maintained and all features of the logo are clearly distinguishable

The logo shall be reproduced:

a. In a size which makes all features of the mark clearly distinguishable

b. Without distortion of its dimensions

  1. For the use of the logo on electronic documentation (i.e. websites), the same rules as stated in these guidelines apply
  2. For use of the logo on promotional items, the same rules as stated in these guidelines apply


• The logos will become available after the Center has been awarded and notified

• Log in to , access the logos Award of Excellence Tab/Resources/Media Tool Kit

• Only the individuals who have been given access as an AOE Application User may download the logos

Press Release Information

The awarded institution may use any of the following information to build a press release. For further information, please email
  1. Definition of Terms

    1. The correct name of the Award is “The ELSO Award for Excellence in Life Support”. It may be referred as to any of the following:

      • Center of Excellence Award
      • Center of Excellence in Life Support Award
      • Gold Level Center of Excellence Award
      • Platinum Level Center of Excellence Award
    2. Centers may refer to being a “Designated Center of Excellence”

      • Designated Gold Level Center of Excellence
      • Designated Platinum Level Center of Excellence
    3. The correct or formal name of the Path – is “The Path to Excellence in Life Support” It may be referred to as:

      • Center on Path to Excellence in Life Support
      • Silver Level Center on the Path to Excellence in Life Support
    4. Centers may refer to being a:

      • Silver Level ELSO Award Recipient
  2. Statements that may be used to detail or describe the Award:

    1. The Excellence in Life Support Award recognizes those centers that demonstrate an exceptional commitment to evidence-based processes and quality measures, staff training and continuing education, patient satisfaction and ongoing clinical care.

    2. Name of Institution is one of x National and International ECLS centers to receive the Excellence in Life Support Award for the Award Period 20xx-20xx.
    3. A designated Center of Excellence has demonstrated extraordinary achievement in the following three categories:

      1. Excellence in promoting the mission, activities, and vision of ELSO;
      2. Excellence in patient care by using the highest quality measures, processes, and structures based upon evidence; and
      3. Excellence in training, education, collaboration, and communication supporting ELSO guidelines that contributes to a healing environment for families, patients and staff.
    4. The ELSO Awards’ goal is to recognize and honor ECLS programs who reach the highest level of performance, innovation, satisfaction and quality.
    5. The Award is a framework for integrating total quality principles in ECLS programs worldwide.
    6. The Award process may be used as a self-assessment tool to improve the delivery of quality care to patients and families.
    7. The ELSO Award is a visible sign, via an award plaque, that signifies to patients and families a commitment by the institution to exceptional, value driven patient care.
    8. The ELSO Award provides a framework for managing quality improvement within an ECLS program.
    9. The ELSO Award defines an integrated infrastructure that supports fundamental processes that produce a high performing ECLS program.
    10. The Award promotes awareness of quality and productivity to improve value of healthcare delivery.
    11. Achieving the ELSO Award assures ECLS programs that they are producing exceptional results.
    12. The Award demonstrates to the health care community:

      ✔ Assurance of high quality standards

      ✔ Specialized equipment and supplies

      ✔ Defined patient protocols, and

      ✔ Advanced education of all staff members

  3. Award History

    The ELSO Award of Excellence was developed to recognize ECLS Centers that utilize the ELSO Guidelines for ECMO Centers and Training and Education. Additionally, the ECMO Program is reviewed for indicator in Quality, Value of Care and Benchmarking categories

    It was first available for application in 2006. The levels Silver, Gold and Platinum were introduced in 2015.

  4. Additional Elements for Press

    Adding a quote from personnel adds personal character to the story. Managers, Coordinators, and/or Medical Directors are just a few of the interviews that may be obtained.

    Example of Quote that may be obtained from personnel in the ECMO Department or hospital:
    “We are honored to be the recipient of such a prestigious award regarding the critical care services and life support equipment and training provided to our patients at Name of Institution,” said Name, Manager of ECMO at Name of Institution. “The ECMO Center accomplishments reflect the dedication to advancing health care that we continuously strive to achieve at Name of Institution or abbreviation.”

  5. Definition of ECMO or ECLS

    The Institutions’ ECMO Center may be able to provide a more in depth description of their service and the therapy provided.

    Example of Description:
    Name of Institution provides ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) or ECLS (Extracorporeal Life Support) for support of failing organ systems in infants, children and adults. ECMO or ECLS is one of the most advanced forms of life support available to patients experiencing acute failure of the cardio-respiratory system. ECMO or ECLS allows time for the patient’s lungs or heart to heal over a period of time by using a heart-lung machine to oxygenate the blood outside the body. (A detailed description of the Centers ECLS system and/or population may be added here)